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Tyco Terasaur @Tyranozilla
, 74 tweets, 11 min read Read on Twitter
For every like this tweet gets, I'll try to come up with a random fact about Tyco
1: Tyco cannot do a handstand, even with assistance. He is just too big and heavy.
2: Tyco can smell how you are feeling with his forked tongue. He uses this ability as a crutch in social arrangements, you can tell if he is worried about what you think of him if he keeps flicking his tongue at you during a conversation
3: Tyco could wear pants if he wanted to, but since his bits are internal when unused, he doesn't see the point.

Tyco would only wear pants if you asked, and given the constant shifting size of his waistline he might not have a fitting pair anyway.
4: For breakfast, Tyco uses a gavage to quickly feed himself warm oatmeal. Otherwise it would take all morning to spoon feed himself, and by then it would be lunchtime!
5: Tyco is on the international "No-Buffet List"
6: Despite his thick and wide figure, Tyco is agile and precise with his movements. His immense saurian legs are built to carry his own weight as well as his massive meals.
7: Tyco is known to injest gallons of beverages at a time, but he eats ice cream and other frozen treats with human-like moderation.

He loves them, but he'll get terrible "belly-freezes" if he eats too much cold to quickly!
8: Tyco does not acknowledge personal space.

If he thinks you are interesting, he will stand or sit close enough to you to be touching you. If he likes you, he will have conversations with you in an embrace.

Be polite when you push him away if need be. He'll remember if you ask
9: Tyco can sit or lay down for days or weeks at a time without injury.

He needs to when he overindulges....
10: Tyco's only mode of motorized transport is a large tricycle. It's not sexy or sporty at all, but he is forced to use it due to his anatomy.
11: Tyco cannot breathe fire, or fly. This makes him insecure around 'real' dragons.

He can belch at will though.
12: Tyco is a mild shapeshifter. He can grow and shrink at will if his body has the calories stored to do so.
It might take days, weeks or months to change his shape, however!
13: In cold weather, Tyco still won't wear pants.
He can raise his body temperature up to 110°f (43°c) or higher to fend off the cold!
14: Tyco's tail is a thick column of marbled musclefat. It's soft and squishy, and it's mildly prehensile. It's strong enough to hold you in place, but not agile enough to manipulate objects
15: When bored, Tyco will do stupid things like swallow huge packets of baking soda and chug vinegar.
16: In the company of other anthros he is crushing on, If Tyco is drunk his body will quickly grow or morph anatomical traits considered attractive to that species (e.g. With deer he'll grow antlers)
The more drunk, the more extreme.
He is unaware he does this, it's subconscious
17: Tyco is obsessed with being clean, and prefers his friends to be clean and not smelly as well.

He frequently bathes and takes showers, and enjoys doing so with company
18: Because his body is so malleable due to his body morphing abilities, he has forgotten what he truely looks like.
When you see him in a default shape he is a combination of what he remembers and what he can't change.
Tyco will appear slightly different every time you meet him.
19: If Tyco has swallowed something big and hard to digest (like bones) he will swallow large stones to assist grinding them down. Once finished, he'll spit them out.

If you see a pile of large polished stones at Tyco's house on his kitchen table, that's them.
20: Tyco could change the color of his scales like a chameleon, but he uses his shapeshifter abilies to suppress it.
Why? Because if he didn't, his whole body would change color based on his mood, and he is embarrass by that.
He still can't help his face from blushing red though!
21: Tyco has a huge belly, but most of it is his stomach and internal musculature.
He can maintain a psi of about 100 For an extended period of time, but he can flex it hard briefly up to about 350 psi.

And yes. He can and does shoot water out his mouth.
22: Tyco is very self conscious about his smell. Because he burps large volumes of gas at a time, and frequently, he takes pains not to repulse others.
He will walk out of a room first to belch if he's been holding it in, and will swallow huge sprigs of herbs to smell nice.
23: When outdoors Tyco will hold his tail above the ground.

Indoors, or in situations it would be normal to lay or sit down outside, his tail drags.
It also tends to involuntarily grow and thicken over time the longer it does. You can tell how long he's spent indoors this way.
24: Tyco's jaws can dislocate just like a snake, and he is capable of swallowing prey whole.

Tyco has met some folks who want to be swallowed, so using his shape shifting abilities he developed a way he can alter his stomach to be extremely safe and comfortable.
25: Is Tyco angry? Sad? Rampaging? Doing that thing you don't like?
No worries.
Just give his tummy pats, pets & massages and he will "turn off" and lie down- if he resists, rub harder. You will break his will.
Beware! He gets really snuggly and romantic if you persist too much!
26: Tyco hatched from a tiny egg in someone's back garden. He lived the first few years of his life as a small snake, growing in size and shape until he grew limbs and begun to walk upright.

He has never met his parents, or anyone enough like him to resemble what could be family
27: Giving Tyco a surprise squeeze or hug, or a sudden shove or push to the gut will make Tyco belch involuntarily.

He walks around with a lot of air in his stomach. Compressing it when he isn't expecting it doesn't give him the chance to prepare to hold it in.
28: Sometimes you may see Tyco sporting vestigial wings. They are useless and are mostly cartilaginous.

They tend to appear when Tyco is storing MASSIVE reserves of magic energy in his body, aka eating extremely well for an extended period of time.
29: Tyco has zero issue with people riding him. His legs and hips are so strong it takes a lot of weight for him to be slowed down. He refuses to wear a saddle or any of that kind of stuff.

He wouldn't need it anyhow. His rear is so wide and soft you sit comfortably bareback.
30: Tyco doesn't get very angry ever, but he gets dangerously hungry. If someone would make someone mad, Tyco has instead an equivalently strong hunger-craving for that individual, climaxing with swallowing them if it gets that extreme.
Apologizing, making amends, reverses this.
31: Tyco isn't afraid of many things.

He will walk through the wilderness or dangerous neighborhoods alone. If something is stupid enough to mistake his gentle appearance for weakness and attack him Tyco will eat it.
32: Tyco heals his wounds at an astoundingly rapid rate. Doing so still uses up his "reserves" so if it's a terrible injury he will lose mass.

It's very difficult to kill him as if he gets hurt enough over time he'll be reduced to a small snake and make a slippery escape!
33: Tyco has the ability to morph almost completely into 4 different feral forms:

Snake (constrictor)
Monitor lizard

He always seems to be a blend of them, but with focus he can really push it to resemble one mostly!
34: Tyco can cook, but he is not very good at it. He has no issue eating ingredients so he gets impatient and lazy doing things like peeling or chopping.

Common critiques of his cooking:

Chunks are cut too big
Too much meat
This is just a pile of raw onions/potatoes/flour
35: Tyco can "eat" the magic power out of enchanted items or blessed artifacts. If the object itself is undigestible, he will spit it out once it's power has been extracted.
36: Tyco's home is devoid of furniture besides tables. No chairs, sofas, beds, etc. just enormous pillows and cushions.
37: With a lot of concentration, time, and a huge expenditure of his magical reserves, Tyco can transfer some his growing magics into inanimate machines.
He cant make them better, but he can make them 'heal' to be repaired, or can make them bigger, 'beefier' and more sturdy.
38: All these facts are about "Standard Tyco" - the pear dragon you have seen me post pictures of and whenever Tyco comes up in conversation.

However, there are different Tycos that inhabit separate universes that are very different! They are completely separate from each other.
39: Despite being a hedonistic glutton, Tyco is really good at sharing.
Even if he is extremely hungry, he will make sure you have something to eat as well.

It's his goal to feed his friends enough so that he can then continuously stuff himself guilt free
40: Growing up, Tyco was technically an orphan, but didn't view himself as one.
He lived alone outside as a "child" but wasn't bothered by it as he was instinctually self sufficient. He lived in caves, forest preserves, or people's backyards.
41: Even with his powers, Tyco cant get muscly buff at will. He does need to exercise to make "swole" mass.
However, weightlifting and exercise is much more effective. What a human would gain in a month of intense training Tyco can gain in a few days with standard effort.
42: Tyco can be polyamorous or monogamous with relationships, but what's really key is honestly among his friends.
43: The scales on Tyco's body are super pliable and soft, resembling skin more than rough plates. His belly is extremely slippery when wet.
44: In autumn, Tyco swallows all the fallen leaves that he rakes up in his yard, or yours if you pay him to.
He hates the taste but it feels good in his tum. Tyco will use a funnel to get it past his tongue.
45: Tyco says "Oof!" When he is:

Fallen down

He says "Oof" a lot
46: Tyco loves video games and board games! It's the perfect pastime while he is digesting an enormous meal that has immobilized him. He enjoys all genres, but he does like to play ones that you can with or against friends best.
47: Tyco never wears shoes. In the winter, his feet can get so hot the ice and snow around his legs will melt into a puddle if he stands still long enough in one place.
48: On his favorite weekends, Tyco will make plans to meet friends for breakfast, brunch, lunch, coffee and cake, supper and dinner all day. Each meal is often with a different friend or group. He will literally spend the whole weekend eating if he has the money and the friends!
49: Tyco is really bad around authority figures. Because of this, he has not had much luck in the workforce. The jobs he does well are the ones where he has lots of autonomy.
50: Tyco gives kisses with his lips and snoot smooshes. His tongue is long and forked, so its not very good for slurping and licking.
51: No matter how slim or fit Tyco gets, he won't develop abs. His core muscles aren't like human muscles, they are like a snake's. He'll be smooth and firm, no 6 packs.

Simply put, Tyco is a snake with dino legs and human arms.
52: Tyco can eat typically inedible organic materials such as cardboard, paper, wood, etc. However he gets little satisfaction from it, and too much can give him a stomach ache. Also it takes forever to digest.
53: It's extremely difficult for Tyco to die of starvation. As he suffers from hunger, he uses up his magic reserves first, then starts to shrink in size. He reverts back into his small snake form (weksnek) and then into an egg.
54: If you are suspicious that Tyco is unhappy or sad, offer him something to eat. The harder it is to get him to eat something the more upset he is!
55: Tyco doesn't like loud places. He is easily irritated by small noises! He prefers quiet and peaceful places
56: Tyco doesn't roar. He can hiss and rumble, but the loudest he can get is either shouting or a horrible, deep and booming honk.
57: Tyco is naturally kind and rational. However, his enormous stomach seems to be able to exert its own will upon him, and has no moral compass. All it wants is digestibles to be put inside it.
You can make Tyco do anything if you convince his belly first.
58: You can hear when Tyco's stomach is overriding/changing Tyco's mind. It's an audible stomach gurgle that he seems to be unaware of.
He can keep fighting it, practically arguing with himself, and his tum will burble and burble.
The louder it gets the harder it's trying.
59: When he spoke to some medieval scholars to investigate his mysterious past, evidence pointed to a great, fat and terrible dragon as a potential ancestor.
Tyco then started to have vivid dreams of knights, princesses and the taste of mutton.
He thinks he knows why...
60: The body parts that seem to have the most flexibility for Tyco to change are his jaw/teeth and his legs/feet.
The reason for the prioritization seems to be tied to his dietary habits.
61: The plates on Tyco's underside are smooth and very very stretchy.
He can easily push/be pushed across the ground when he is laying on his belly.
62: Tyco rests on his backside unless his tummy is too full to lay backwards. He is a still sleeper who does not roll over in his sleep.
He enjoys smaller friends laying on top of him as he slumbers!
63: Despite being parentless and for the most part (legally) homeless, as a youngster Tyco went to public school.
64: If you know where to press, you can pinch the back of Tyco's head by the top of his neck to have him involuntarily open his mouth and begin swallowing, if you then put something in there.
He may try and resist, but as long as you maintain your grip he can't close his mouth!
65: "Pasta" is Tyco's favorite cooked food.
Mac'n'Cheese, spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, spaetzle, etc, you name it! Its so soft to chew and he loves slurping all the different sauces!
66: Tyco processes alcohol, caffeine, medicines, etc very well, like as if his liver is a narrow funnel.

For example, if he drinks barrels of wine in one sitting (and he has) he will be drunk for days before a mild hangover begins.
67: Tyco's growth or transformations are extremely slow, almost imperceptible, like watching a sundial's shadow move.
68: Tyco is an excellent swimmer, as his streamlined anatomy is hydrodynamic. He swims just like lizards do.
He also has extreme buoyancy and control over it.
69: If Tyco spends a lot of time hanging around people he likes, he may subconsciously pick up a few physical traits that make him resemble those friends.
70: Tyco goes on cross-country road trips with his big motorized trike.

It often takes him twice as long to get places because he stops frequently at drive-ins, drive thrus and diners!
71: Tyco can sleep for days at a time! He often does after especially big meals!

Believe it or not, he actually doesn't like doing it often because he ends up missing out on a lot of fun activities with friends.
72: Tyco's spine is very flexible, especially his neck! He can twist and bend it about like a snake, and turn almost 360 degrees around like an owl!

He tends to keep it stiff and erect though, because he's noticed it makes people uncomfortable when he does neck tricks.
73: Tyco will put on weight in preparation for social gatherings with those he knows like their dragons thick (with strategic fat placement as well if he knows specific tastes).

He will slim down if he will hang out with those who don't like fatties.

Tyco can be a huge flirt.
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