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Eric Electron @ericelectron2
7 years ago, 12 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter
#Fact 1 - The Wage Gap is real. People who says it's not haven't read the data.

However, in places like the USA, the wage gap is *not* mostly due to sexism like many #femnist #WomenInScience are claiming it is today. Disparate outcomes doesn't imply disparate treatment.
Women typically choose fields that are lower paying; even in the #STEM fields. To attribute that to sexism only or even mostly is a very dishonest way of deriving an answer for this complex disparity.

When the US Department of Labor Statistics took into consideration personal choices, non-wage benefits, hours worked, experience, education, and other variables that contributes to the wage gap the percentage of earnings decreases to approximately 3%.…
#Fact 2 - If you're going to claim that #WomenInScience in places like the USA are subjected to systemic sexism, you have to point to the policies within the accused system that allow for that to happen. If you can't, it's more than likely individual acts of sexism; not systemic.
If you're going to claim that #WomenInScience in places like the USA are subjected to systematic sexism. Again, you must provide evidence that it is premeditated and planned within the system you're accusing. You can't make unsubstantiated claims without credible evidence.
I'm hearing a few #WomenInScience claim to have been sexually assaulted or sexual advances have been made on them at networking events or on campus. If that is true, REPORT IT!

Stop reporting it on social media to gain likes and followers and report it to the authorities.
#Fact 3 - Some #Feminist #WomenInScience are claiming that "unconscious biases" are the reason for the mistreatment and unequal wages women in #STEM receive.

How can you consciously change something that's unconscious? Like @benshapiro says, it's like fighting a ghost's ghost.
- If you don't like the way a man is talking to you tell them!
- If a male colleague makes sexual advances towards you that you don't want, let them know directly!
-If you feel you aren't being treated right by superiors, record it and go to their superiors!
Finding an excuse to not report sexual assault, mistreatment, or sexism isn't empowering women at all. If you can tell your story on social media about how you've been mistreated, you can also record and report whatever that has happened to you to the authorities. #WomenInScience
Men (and women) that disagree with intersectional #feminism or #WomenInScience aren't sexist. If many of you would stop blocking and muting people for simply disagree with your irrational viewpoints, maybe you would see that.

We all want the best work environment for everyone.
I would like to see more #WomenInScience in the center or right on the political spectrum speak up. I've talked to many conservative women in #STEM. They're terrified of speaking up, due to the mob-mentality of left-leaning colleagues in their field/school.
To end this thread, I would like to shoutout and thank theses #WomenInScience, #STEM, and related fields who are changing the status quo by not embracing victimhood and promoting truth & justice:


(The End)
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