A Thread.
When I was 19 I wrote a letter to The Fugees, debating Wyclef on the meaning of one of his lyrics (yes, I know: #HipHopNerdAlert).
I was just a kid, no connections, and sent it to the address on the back of the album.
Miracle #2: Wyclef actually responded. He CALLED ME to discuss.
Proof? Last week I unearthed this voicemail from an old cassette!
I was just a fan, and the fact that Wyclef went so far to bless me will never be forgotten.
I’d been called in by my brother @Romarley to put cuts on the Fugees latest song "Take It Easy” at Platinum Studios.

Ultimate full circle.
Artists, be good to your fans! You never know who your next act of generosity might inspire.