Thank you @SamuelMarcLowe for drawing it to my attention.
@AlexChalkChelt @nikkirobson1 @Forty40Kings instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/…
Let’s start with a widget.
@KirstySNP takes on a widget journey, important for us as we export quite a lot of widgetty things to the EU.
A sofa made in Wales.
An automotive exhaust system.
A reminder about the modality of border crossing too.

Then there’s Trade with incoming 3rd Countries on Treaties signed but not ratified.
It is a myth that it will hurt them more than us

There’s about 200 countries.
The EU has some sort of beneficial trading relationship with all but 7 of them.
As one expert in Select Committee, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, from @ECIPE pointed out that just 1 phone call to all of them takes time
Well. No we don’t. Non tariff barriers to trade tend to be more costly, time consuming & problematic than tariff.
759 of those Treaties have a measurable application to the U.K. Hosuk Lee-Makiyama pointed out that every single category contained critical category work

Here’s the NAO REPORT :-
There’s about 7 months to go before this matter comes back to Parliament for scrutiny of the deal.
Yet the Government is proposing something quite novel outwith a CU whilst seemingly oblivious as to how this can meet with their obligations under the GFA.
Realism is required
Even if the Govt HAD committed to some realism and a CU there are numerous models, none alone solving the border issues, just reducing them.
3rd country transition is a VERY high risk strategy driven by reckless Brexiters.
Are they so desperate to avoid the Off Shore tax transparency regulations? So desperate to prevent a change of heart in the country that they are willing to risk all?
We would be negotiating an Article 50 extension now.
Country before Party. Selflessness. Leadership
Accountability and Openness to the public.
Honesty, Integrity and objectivity (Best evidence).