Till this day.. even if you r "d queen of the coast", once u r tired of us being together just invite me to your house.
Lemme tell u a story....
Based on discipline coming from a military school,my white uniform was always neat; properly washed, with enough starch and aro (blue)
Oh boy! The girls loved me.didn't take long b4 they all realised I was a brilliant chap also.
Like a goat on heat,i was marking register with people's babes on a regular.

The news of my one blow defeat spread fast & like it was a publicity strategy 4 me, my female fan base yet increased..
Sometimes I just sit down & ask myself if I rubbed jazz by mistake

One new girl was going to become my greatest life's lesson.A girl named Nkem.

I decided to take a drastic step. "Desperate times call for desperate measures" so they say.
I had 2 visit her class more often, I needed a reason to do so.

I was appointed "acting labor prefect" cos d ss3 guys were about 2 write WAEC.As part of my duties,I was supposed 2 deal with late comers after d assembly;then on this day Nkem had come very late 2 school.

Nkem asked me 2 walk her home after school; she lived within the estate.I said goodbye @ her gate & turned 2 leave when she mentioned her parents weren't around and I should come in & stay with her
I had barely sat when she began to take off her uniform while she walked into her room 2 change
Arrghh!! Just thinking abt dt reply now is putting me online..fack!!

D foreplay was intense as we were lost in each other's world.From couch 2 floor,floor 2 dinning,dinning 2 bedroom.we both knew too much 4 our age
The mekwe was put to an abrupt end when with a loud voice Nkem's father screamed her name out loud.

He stood, looking at us 4 a few seconds b4 he could muster enough strength to make a jump at me.
This man began 2 pound me with skills like miyonse's in that semolina advert.

Till this day I haven't come 2 know how he knew my house.
Ladies and gentlemen! They had just discussed my burial.after Nkem's dad left, my dad called me & told me to get into d car. As we drove,he called my mum & told her 2 meet us at Pedro police station, close 2 our house

The next voice I heard was the DPO's. "OC bring that criminal boy 2 the torture room" he commanded and with one kick d OC swept my feet off d ground.
This guy beat my shinning whore star into a blood moon.
Till dis day,except she assure me that her both parents r late & shows me their grave,I don't visit ladies at home
The end!
Another thread dropping soon.