(I allllmost feel bad I'm posting David in his old-man makeup. Almost.)
(I so wish I could've gone with them to film in the desert!) #stargateAlive
Amusing, the fan didn't actually believe that I wrote them when I tried to give them a bit of extra info to go with their purchase. Ah well. #StargateAlive
They were fighting about the shape & fate of the universe. They learned enough cosmology to pick sides based on their characters! #StargateAlive
I also smuggle books onto spaceships. No shame. #StargateAlive
Can you guess the widest shot in this set? Totally loved how abruptly the staging cuts off! #StargateAlive
Anything that doesn't? Isn't going in the story. #StargateAlive
A: Totally. The asteroid in @CWNoTomorrow is a blend of 16 Psyche (target of @NASAPsyche) & 99942 Apophis (named by fans for @actualApophis). #StargateAlive
A: Cosmology is way too much fun to contain in just one show. The concepts later popped up in Dark Matter. Thread:
A: Searching Stargate + my name should find quite a bit. See also: #DriveToRevive #TestTheDrive #StargateRising & #StargateAlive. (oooh, I feel so rebellious doing multiple hashtags!)
Fan Q&A with @BaronDestructo [text]: josephmallozzi.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/sep…
Fan Q&A with Louis Ferreira [audio/text]: louisferreira.org/Mika_McKinnon.…
Q&A with @Inverse [text]: inverse.com/article/18647-…
Q&A with @fromthedesk_ [text]: fromthedesk.org/10-questions-m…
Q&A with @SciEntExchange [text]: scienceandentertainmentexchange.org/article/scient…
Conversation with @CaraSantaMaria's Talk Nerdy [audio]: carasantamaria.com/podcast/mika-m…
Scifi Science with @listen2spacepod [audio]: listentospacepod.com/episodes/2016/…
Profile with @yalescientific [text]: yalescientific.org/2017/04/young-…
Profile with @APSphysics [text]: aps.org/publications/a…
Mika's lessons from doing scifi science at @PhysicsToday [text]: physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.…
Science of SGA Brain Storm for @io9 [text]: gizmodo.com/real-atmospher…
Science of SGU Human for @io9 [text]: gizmodo.com/cryptography-e…
@ae_stories has audio of my first time on set (called "Go On…Do Science at Them!"), but I can't find it.