Sleep is absolutely essential to your physical and mental health.
Sleep’s rhythms underpin everything you do, ensuring your brain and body are working at their best.
But we’re often bad at recognising that, and prioritising sleep in our lives


Most adults in the UK get about an hour’s less sleep than they need ... the equivalent of missing an entire night of sleep every week!…

When we prioritise sleep though, we feel better, we work better ... we make ourselves healthier.
Over the course of #WorldSleepDay I’ll hopefully persuade you!

We’ve long understood the importance of sleep ... Shakespeare’s Macbeth is basically a play-length argument that we need sleep, and things rapidly go off the rails without it


“Modern life” has felt pressured for a long time now, and its effect on sleep well-recognised

In the 19th Century it might have been Dickens’ latest page-turner stealing your sleep time ... in 2018, @netflix says their biggest competitor is sleep!

Problem is that leaves you sleep-deprived!



(I love old-school textbook writing style!)


It’s essential we look after our staff to be able to deliver safe, efficient, effective care to our patients

#FightFatigue #WorldSleepDay

#FightFatigue #WorldSleepDay

#FightFatigue #WorldSleepDay

#FightFatigue #WorldSleepDay

#FightFatigue #WorldSleepDay

Duration: right amount for you
Continuity: no disruption
Depth: good quality



If you get 7 hours and you *need* 9 hours though ... you’ll be 2 hours sleep deprived *every* night.
Understanding your own sleep need is essential!

If you do, this catch-up sleep is called social jet-lag ... and is a strong marker of sleep deprivation!




Bedrooms should be cool, dark, quiet and comfortable. It’s worth investing to get it right!


We’ll come back to light and the body clock later!





(Espressos in the dark not a solution!)


Hi, my name’s Mike and I’m a sleep geek.
Oh, and a sleep doctor @EvelinaLondon )

It won’t surprise you to find out I said “No” ... but outdated attitudes still widely persist!
#WorldSleepDay #FightFatigue @TheBMA…
This is the hypnogram ... the diagrammatic representation of normal sleep. Understanding it is the key to unlocking many of sleep’s features (and mysteries!)

Transitional/Light: nREM 1 and 2
Deep: nREM 3
“Dream”: Rapid Eye Movement (REM)



Deep sleep supports physical growth and repair. REM sleep is important for learning and emotional regulation. Light sleep plays a key role in memory processing.
But sleep is complex - and we still don’t understand it all!


If sleep is disrupted, children can ‘fail to thrive’ ... not grow as well as they should







The most fundamental rhythm of sleep is our body clock, our circadian drive, which acts like a master control to keep us awake by day, asleep by night ... unless we choose to fight it!



(We see this reflected in accident incidence figures)


We should think better about that, and support them more
#WorldSleepDay #FightFatigue @bmj_latest…
This body clock preference is partly genetic

We constantly resynchronise our clocks every day. Light is crucial to that process.


Light is the most powerful external influence on our body clocks. Regular exposure to light and dark entrains our sleep cycle.
We use “zeitgeber” - ‘time giver’ - to describe any factor which can do this



Suddenly ANY time of day could be brightly lit



When you then try to go to sleep at 10pm ... your brain thinks it’s 5pm - so, no sleep!



Family docking stations are a good way to remind everyone!

#WorldSleepDay @bbchealth…

Babies, for example, sleep longer overall, but in shorter bursts, and spend much more time in REM-like sleep - supporting the huge brain growth in first year

Honest truth is children have been disrupting parents’ sleep since the Stone Age. Often it’s normal variation, and not a medical problem

@EvelinaLondon @RCPCHtweets
#WorldSleepDay (free, but iOS only at the moment, sorry!)
#WorldSleepDay… (great general resource for all ages!)
(Warning: not for young ears!)
More kids with sleep problems need super nanny rather than a sleep doctor.

Sleep medicine is a mix of common sense general paediatrics, neurology, respiratory, mental health, neurodisability and community paediatrics.
Sleep affects everything!

This, by Thomas Phayre, is from 16th Century Boke of Chyldren - the first English-language paeds textbook!
#WorldSleepDay @RCPCHtweets


...the day I have a simple ‘cure’ for that, I’ll be a very rich man!



#WorldSleepDay @begley_roisin @PriyenShah86 (thanks both!)
Most are treatable.


That leads to next-day symptoms.


Kids with Down Syndrome <6yrs old, 73% incidence of OSA, 14% moderate or severe. Needs screened, and treated!
#WorldSleepDay @drcathyhill @DsmigUKIreland…
Our @EvelinaLondon ENT surgeons are amazingly skilful at doing this even in children with complex conditions (though not *quite* as easy as with the Power Cosmic...)

We use simple oximetry (which measures oxygen level) to help our ENT team stratify severity pre-operatively

Problem is it’s not v sensitive, so not good for diagnosis





This is REM

This is sleep paralysis

In older times, people thought they were being attacked by demons. These days people more likely to think it’s an alien abduction!

Once I’d calmed down, it started a life long fascination with sleep (boosted hugely by @neilhimself)

They’re often telling you to need to improve your core sleep routine/habits!
Can run in families too.
Occasionally can point to other problems

It takes a bold doctor to name a scary - but usually benign - sleep condition “Exploding Head Syndrome” 🤯

Parents often need a stiff drink!
This is a sleep terror #WorldSleepDay


Some of them will find it difficult because of the reasons they are in hospital in the first place.
Many though will struggle because hospitals are bad for sleep

Simple strategies can make big differences, like @GSTTnhs SSH campaign

Staff being a bit more consciously quiet, thinking about light, minimising unnecessary interruptions can help hugely.

Even small changes are a good start!

Hopefully I’ve not filled up your timeline too much, and you’ve learnt something new or interesting or useful about sleep.
(This was me as a kid...I didn’t need an iPhone to stop me sleeping!)

If you think you need more help, discuss with your doctor. Drugs often not a good long-term solution.

Have a read of this:…
and this:… @ArchivesEandP

Sleep is still full of mystery and magic and wonder.
It’s where science meets story, where medicine meets myth.
It is both rhythmical and random, and I t’s a privilege to spend so much of my life delving into it.