AGF - Attorney General of the Federation
APE - Administrative Panel of Enquiry
ASCL - Ajaokuta Steel Co Ltd
ASP - Ajaokuta Steel Plant
CA - Concession Agreement
DSC - Delta Steel Co
FGN - Federal Govt of Nig
GINL - Global Infrastructure Nigeria Ltd.
GIHL - Global Infrastructure Holding Ltd.
GSHL - Global Steel Holding Ltd
ICC - Int’l Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration
MCA - Modified Concession Agreement
MoJ - Minister/Ministry of Justice
NIOMCO - Natl Iron-Ore Mining Co
NRC - Nigerian Railway Corporation
NSCD - Natl Steel Council Decree
NSDA - Natl Steel Devt Authority
SPA - Share Sales & Purchase Agreement
TPE - TyazhPromExport
USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
1971: NSDA established w/ responsibility for planning, construction & operation of steel plants but also exploration of raw materials required in steel production
1977: Confirmation of viable deposits of iron-ore, limestones & dolomite at Itakpe, Obajana & Osara respectively on sites w/in 100km radius of Kabba–Okene–Lokoja triangle
July 1979: Contract for working drawings, supply and installation of technological equipment and steel structures of ASP awarded to Messrs TPE of defunct USSR
1980: Wimpey contracted to build Metallurgical Training Complex; Boskalis awarded the river port; project management awarded to Pan African Consultancy Services Ltd & Metallurgical Eng’g Consultants

1984: The Light Section Mill (LSM) in ASP as well as the Rolling Mill in DSC ran for a short period and were shut down due to lack of operating capital
2000: TPE contracted to conduct Technical Audit of ASP
June 2003: FGN grants Messrs. Solgas Energy of USA a 10-year Concession for rehabilitation, completion, management & operation of ASP
August 2004: FGN grants Messrs. GINL 10-year concession (w/ option of another 10-year extension) for the rehabilitation, completion, management & operation of ASP
Feb 2005: GINL purchases 80% of DSC shares from FGN through Delta SPA. GINL took management control of DSC
May 2007: FGN entered into Ajaokuta SPA with GINL giving 60% of the issued share capital of ASCL to GINL
Dec 2007: APE submits its report and recommends the termination of the GINL Concession Agreements with respect to ASCL and NIOMCO
April 2008: FGN cancels concession of NIOMCO due to GINL’s failure to show capacity & convinced that the CA was skewed in favour of GINL