I don’t own the word “fuck” I don’t own the polyhedral shape of an icosahedron.
And up until recently I *was the only one who could forge the shape. No longer.
(Below is the work of another blacksmith following my instructions on a video I put out)

That was the intention of my channel. To educate and help those who wish to start the craft and had no clue how to do it.
I always had this fear in the back of my mind that someone was going to make them and undersell me...
I have a shop rate of $80/hour.
It takes me 5 hours to complete.
Do the math. I make nowhere near what I should be making.
But I knew no one was going to pay $400 for a single forged D20.
(Imagine the Venn Diagram for Geek/forged items connoisseur/DnD Fan)
it’s small.
They have full right to make that product.
As some have pointed out, it’s NOT forged.
And even if it was I couldn’t do a thing about it.
Yet still I feel... ...something.
Can’t quite put it to words.
***These other ones are die cast***
The same way your hotwheels toy cars are made.
There is a top die and a bottom die and both get pressed together with TONS of force.
Quite cool actually.
So here is the question I pose to you all:
Jury is still out on mine...