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Nov 17th 2022
The federal National Labor Relations Act prohibits retaliation against groups of employees working together in in a concerted action seeking better employment conditions.

Here’s how this could work for Twitter workers facing “opt in or be fired” choice today.

Twitter employees can opt in to Musk’s “bend the knee” mandate to hold onto their jobs.
Then a small brave group could approach management and state that while everyone is willing to work hard and strive for excellence, they oppose the mandate of “long hours at high intensity.”
Requests like this are always best done respectful and in writing so it’s clear later exactly what was said.

While NRLA generally protects union organizing activities, it also protects nonunion workers simply working together (must be 2 or more) for better working conditions.
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Jun 26th 2022

1/ Before I get into the CaseLines side of things concerning opposed motion dates, I will briefly explain the process leading up to the point of requesting an opposed motion date.

An opposed motion date will be required when an application becomes formally opposed.
2/ It is not as simple as that however, so let me explain the process.

The following explanation is in line with the Uniform Rules of Court and the Gauteng Division’s various Practice Directives. Let’s start.
Read 43 tweets
May 24th 2022
Excited to release our latest @BU_Law #immigrants' rights & human trafficking #clinic report on the Institutional Hearing Program ("IHP"), a little known program that quickly, and quietly, #deports noncitizens convicted of crimes. THREAD 1/…
For more than 40 years, IHP has been operating in the shadows, yet another branch of the vast #ICE #enforcement regime. IHP operates at least across 19 states, #deporting noncitizens who are unlikely to be represented by counsel. 2/
Our report is a snapshot of how this little studied program operates to swiftly deport #immigrants across New England. Here's some of what we found. 3/
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Feb 3rd 2021
While running a business, it’s likely that business owners, partners or managers will find themselves involved in one dispute or the other.

See thread!
#LegalnuggetsbyTobi #startups #businessowner #Advisory
#wednesdaythought #Litigation #mediation #WednesdayMotivation #Nigeria
These disputes may range from breach of contract, employer/employee dispute, shareholders or owners dispute etc.

Litigation is one of the most frequently utilized forms of dispute resolution. It involves going before a judge to resolve claims that one party has against another.
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Jul 21st 2020
When lawyers file petitions for divorce or judicial separation in the registry of the court, it comes with a lot of backlash. So long you represent the petitioner, questions will fly around like...

“Ahn Ahn lawyer, why did you not settle these people’s marital problems. Why are you filing their case in court?”
At such moment, we just allow the officials to do the talking, they have a right to their opinion. When they finish, we would invite them to see the facts of the petition and then they calm down. They realise it goes beyond filing for divorce or judicial separation.
Read 16 tweets
Jan 6th 2019
06/01/2019 - 78 years ago today, the longest-serving #UnitedStates #President, #Franklin D. #Roosevelt (#FDR) addressed the 77th #Congress with his "#Four #Freedoms" speech with the intent to shift #US #foreign #policy from that of #neutrality to #interventionist.
#FDR promoted the idea that the people of the world, in all nations, shared entitlement to four freedoms: that of the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want and the freedom from fear.
#FDR is arguably one of the most 'successful' #US Presidents. Some would argue that on the basis of his numerous social policies such as 'the New Deal'. Others, however, would argue that his role during the second world war was more prevalent to his success & everlasting legacy.
Read 39 tweets

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