They tended to celebrate the health, beauty, and fertility of the Spartan women--all things the Spartan state boasted of. 2/?
feasted, dedicated votive offerings, drove chariots in processions, and wove
clothing for cult images of the gods. HOWEVER-- 3/?
An integral part of Spartan society was the relationship between men and "paidika," "little boyfriends." Boys were sent to all-male dorms around age seven. Almost immediately, they were chosen as paidika by older men. 6/?
These drunken celebrations were considered an essential part of women's religious lives. 9/?
The myth was that the legendary "hero" Theseus, as an old man, saw Helen (later "of Troy") dancing at Artemis Orthia's sanctuary as a young girl, was struck by her beauty, & kidnapped & raped her, inventing anal sex.
Funny how Edith Hamilton et al omit that one 13/?
So the Spartans told themselves, anyhow. 32/?
Now, during the Roman period, a long time after Sparta's heyday, a Roman celebrity visited Sparta: Julia Balbilla (…). Balbilla came to Sparta to dedicate a shrine to her cousin, who was grandson of a deposed king. 33/?
So: Balbilla is a famous poet, incredibly wealthy, and as near as nevermind to an out lesbian. And she chose to come to quiet little Sparta to fund and dedicate a shrine. 36/?
Sources: Sarah Pomeroy's SPARTAN WOMEN, Elaine Fantham's WOMEN IN THE CLASSICAL WORLD, Paul Cartledge's "Spartan Wives: Liberation or Licence?" James Redfield's "The Women of Sparta"