In doing so they fail to analyze the ideas they've held tight to, and where they got them from.

At the forefront I believe is how we raise boys to put women on pedestal, to see romance as a matter of will and not mutual attraction, and to see other men as competition. This also fosters a hero complex

They've attached so much of their identity to not being an asshole however that they feel justified

Yet they differentiate themselves from others by eschewing drama

Incels represent what happens when men's belief in rationality and eschewing danger turns into contempt for women's freedom.

But this is not just an incel thing, we regularly see makeup derided as a sign of "false femininity," the inverse of "natural beauty," w no thought to choice.

You feel left out of society, but hate how others conform.
You feel you should have a girlfriend and be respected, but you can't take rejection and girls are always being MEAN for no reason!
You turn to bio-truths for an explanation...

Note how they are not interested in helping others however, not changing the world, because they're driven by how it affects THEM.
What they "can't have"

Because how could they be "good" if they wouldn't be nice to them...?

There is value in supporting others just because

The idea they could avoid fear and vulnerability, or that the "value" they believe women see in men is not right or wrong, but their choice.
That misogyny is slow death