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Jan 17th 2023
1a) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial, “MOA and Clinical Trial Data for Novel & Emerging Therapeutic Strategies for #HCM: Can We Target Our Therapy?"
1b) Our expert (and returning @cardiomet_ce) author is Giuseppe Galati MD, MMSc in Heart Failure, FHFA, @GiuseppeGalati_ , Consultant #Cardiologist #HeartFailure & #Cardiomyopathies
2) @GiuseppeGalati_ is in Milan 🇮🇹 This program is intended for #healthcare professionals & is accredited for 0.75h CE/#CME credit for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
Read 46 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
Read 61 tweets
Jun 5th 2021
Some points as precaution from banking call frauds

1. First principle which need to be developed is to not pick up unknown no. or fancy number.

2. If supposed u pick it up, don't try any guess working for identify. Either ask who is calling if not telling then cut the call.
3. Fraudster just wait for our guess work and once we tell one name, they will accept as it is and If u find deviation in identification of voice then cut the call and try to contact separately on that original person contact no. which is saved with you and confirm that fact.
4. Never transfer or allow any fund receipt request from any unknown number call or #SM profile who pretends to be someone who you know , just cut the call and contact the original person for confirmation of fact.

5. Never click on any unknow
"to pay" requests recieved on UPI
Read 8 tweets
Oct 17th 2020

1DON❤️🎉🇬🇭 #ShattaIsALegend #ShattaDay #shattamovement #ShattaBration #KING #SM

A Thread For ShattaWale🎉💪🏾👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿
1DON❤️🎉🇬🇭 #ShattaIsALegend #ShattaDay #shattamovement #ShattaBration #KING #SM
1DON❤️🎉🇬🇭 #ShattaIsALegend #ShattaDay #shattamovement #ShattaBration #KING #SM
Read 4 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
Thread received on #SM
𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗷𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿

1. In Feb2020, 2 of the largest & most famous universities of the USA had received $6.5B as "donation", contracts or gifts from China, Saudi, Qatar &UAE.…
2. Of this, a Bloomberg investigation revealed that Harvard alone received a whopping $1B as a donation from China. Many of these were in forms of "gifts".
However, Harvard only declared $ 97 Million. The rest of $ 903 Million were unaccounted for.
3. Investigations were initiated by US federal agencies and it was found that the large part of these "donated" funds being donated and used by Harvard & Yale were unaccounted for.

Why wld tse countries donate to Harvard & Yale w/o any collateral ?
Read 9 tweets
Jan 22nd 2020
Risk assessment, latest news on confirmed cases, #preparadness checklist, geographical distribution and information on coronaviruses.

Find all relevant latest news on the outbreak of the #NovelCoronavirus #nCoV2019 on our dedicated page.

Info ➡️ Image
#RiskAssessment 22.01
• potential impact of #nCoV2019 outbreaks is high;
• further global spread is likely;
• moderate likelihood of infection for EU/EEA travellers visiting #Wuhan;
• moderate likelihood of detecting cases imported into EU/EEA;
Report: Image
@WHO @WHO_Europe @ECDC_EU @EU_Health @EU_Commission Daily update of the #nCoV2019 situation - 24.01
• 897 lab-confirmed cases
• 26 fatalities
• imported cases in: #HongKong, #Macau, #Taiwan, #Thailand, #Japan, #SouthKorea, the #US, #Singapore and #Vietnam
More: Image
Read 333 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
#JNUVioence , Late #JJ and #Dravidians - this tweet may not be appreciated at all - more than sometimes truth hurts and it is bitter too; the comparatives which i am quoting may not be palatable to many - but then it is my view on the subject which is #Violence and that alone 2/3
2. i have seen late #JJ at close quarters for over 2 decades, both as a star and as a politician - she was mentored by a legend #MGR and he had his own doubts whether she will be handle the mantle - she did great credits to her mentor and teacher - and out did his 3/4
3. his achievements in more than one area - but alas she fell to an emoitional quotient and that was her nemesis, indeed; she was one who was not scared of political reprecussions at any given point of time - 1.2L government servants - know this in reality - 4/5
Read 20 tweets
May 3rd 2019
Sería muy interesante armar el maratón de #MCU alrededor de #Avengers, pero acomodando todas las escenas de todas las películas en una sola línea temporal. No incluyo las series por que sería sumamente largo y complicado.

Abro #hilo y me explico.
Actualmente hay dos formas (bueno hay un chingo) en que puedes ver todas las películas del Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel:
1.- En el orden cronológico de lanzamiento, es decir comenzar con #IronMan (2008), hasta llegar a #AvengersEndgame (2019).
2.- Viéndolas en orden cronológico de tiempo de los eventos, es decir, comenzar con lo que sucedió primero con #CaptainAmerica: The First Avenger y terminando con #AvengersEndgame. Esto sin contar los "flashbacks" con los que comienzan algunas como #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy
Read 56 tweets

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