Dorje Gurung, ScD (h.c.) Profile picture
#WorldTraveller #Blogger Speaker. Passionate about #Education #SocialJustice #Equality. 12 days in Qatari jail 4 allegedly #InsultingIslam. RT/like≠endorsement.
Jan 15, 2023 7 tweets 8 min read
In 2018, following d US-Bangla airplane crash, I had two questions (img 1) b/c d #AviationAccident record was horrendous.
ONE reason? Lack of proper investigations. We had clocked ~1 fatal accident/yr since 1990 & BUT most had been blamed on the pilot (img 2). #Nepal 2/n
Sure, #Nepal's has one of the toughest & maybe even THE toughest terrain.

BUT then why these? 8 things I discovered in 2018 (see images 1-3)? #Nepal #AviationIndustry #AviationAccidents
Aug 13, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
#EducationSystem in #Nepal is of abysmally poor quality. Evidences abound.

One? The quantity of the textbooks. They are HORRENDOUS. This thread is about (parts of) the books I have reviewed. This is about a Grade 9 book.… Another blog about another horrendous Nepali school textbook.

This is about a HORRENDOUS part of a grade 5 science textbook & how it could have been different/better. #Nepal…
Aug 12, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
One of the many things that never ceases to #amaze & #amuse me:

Nepalis countering/characterizing/interpreting commentary/statement abt #caste or anything that remotely appears to be an "attack" on a caste etc. as "hatred" etc.

Some recent egs. #Nepal Another one of the many things that never ceases to #amaze & #amuse me:

Nepalis characterizing/interpreting commentary/statement abt #caste as "bigotry"/ "discrimination"/"prejudice."
Talking about caste/race, to them, is to be a #casteist/#racist! 🤣🤣
Some recent egs. #Nepal
Jun 26, 2022 9 tweets 10 min read
Nepalis generally struggle--or have difficulties--with a lot of things.

Here is a list of things that, as far as I am concerned, a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging.

1. imagining others DOING things that they can't imagine themselves doing

#Nepal 2/n

List of things a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging:

2. imagining others #WANTING things that they can't imagine themselves wanting

3. imagining others #THINKING about & in ways that they can't imagine themselves thinking

Nov 13, 2020 10 tweets 19 min read
This is my little nephew's school-issued #poetry #textbook that's part of the curriculum. He's in 4th grade.

Annie Shrestha (@scoannie) & I did a little #analysis of d contents of this textbook & made some interesting discoveries.

#Nepal #Caste #Gender #NepalEducation 2/
As you can tell (see image), Rato Bangala Kitab is the publisher. And this one is the 5th edition, published a year ago. The 1st Edition came out in 2062 BS (16 years ago).

#Nepal #Caste #CasteIssues #Gender #NepalEducation #NepaliLiterature #GenderIssues
Nov 11, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Something else I find
amusing/sad about fellow Nepalis:

Things you are doing or saying
that few or hardly any Nepali
does or says they find/think/
believe to be "wrong" or "bad"
for no reason other than
d fact few--or no--
fellow Nepalis do or say!

#Nepal #Nepalipan It's as if like d whole world
of ppl beyond d borders
of #Nepal doing & saying
different things didn't exist
& being a human being
mattered little...
while also wanting d best
education for their children,
both within & beyond
d confines of national, cultural,
& social borders!
May 2, 2020 41 tweets 28 min read
There are MAJOR issues with the image below depicting #equality & #equity, HOWEVER, there are Nepalis (including an association of private school teachers in the country) that think/believe d third method is the way to go when it comes to providing equity in education!
#Nepal 1/n First, the MAJOR issues with the image.

"Imagine if you will, 3 people —all the same goddamn size. [...] The foundation on which these people stand is unequal, [....]"

That is, the PEOPLE aren't the problem! Follow link for more. 2/n #Equality #Equity…
Apr 8, 2020 9 tweets 8 min read
@aavaas_412 @ritinewa 1/ Avaas, here's why I am confused.

You seemed to be making a gender-based argument for how violence is NOT just a male domain. And yet, your supporting argument seems to be that women with power can be violent. I can see how if power were something ONLY women had then... @aavaas_412 @ritinewa 2/ would bolster your your gender-based contention about violence. But it's not. When there is power differential between people, the more powerful (whether a man, a woman, a child, able bodied, disabled, a trans etc.) has the potential to be and can be violent on a less...
Jun 7, 2018 49 tweets 42 min read
Many (mostly privileged?) Nepalis on Twitter, on Facebook, & in real life have argued with me that there is no or hardly any #CasteBased #discrimination in #Nepal. That #Dalits (& other lower castes) r NOT discriminated. Here are some evidence countering that. 1/n Here's a recent article detailing how a #Dalit MP has struggled to find a tenant to rent to her. She shared this with her fellow Parliamentarians. #Nepal 2/n