Free Yezidi Foundation Profile picture
FYF provides education, livelihoods opportunities, mental health and psychosocial support, and pathways to justice for the most vulnerable Yezidi survivors.
Nov 15, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
This week FYF was in #Sweden to participate in the country’s first #Yezidi #Yazidi #YazidiGenocide trial. FYF Executive Director Pari Ibrahim provided testimony in court as an expert witness. Thread. Image 1. There have been less than 10 trials for individuals indicted for the Yezidi Genocide that was perpetrated by ISIS in 2014. This is the first genocide trial in Sweden, following trials in Germany and the Netherlands.
Mar 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
After 2 years of painstaking legal efforts, FYF is disclosing analytical reports & thousands of pages of underlying evidence + documentation related to the #Yezidi #YazidiGenocide to UN mechanisms, prosecutors + law enforcement in friendly jurisdictions, and @Europol . Thread. Image FYF conducted thorough analyses & investigations across five villages in Sinjar: Tel Banat, Tel Qasab, Siba Sheikh Khidr, Gerzerik, & Tel Azir. FYF also examined the Yezidi massacre at Qani, compiling a comprehensive analytical reports.
Apr 22, 2022 18 tweets 20 min read
Disturbing & disappointing developments in continued assaults by #Turkish military in #Syria + #Iraq , particularly Turkish claim that this has been coordinated with Iraq/KRG authorities, which has serious implications for #Yezidi #Yazidi in #Sinjar; and many others.

Thread. In this @washingtonpost article, it implies that cooperation exists among various authorities to green light #Turkey airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. This has serious implications for the so-called "Sinjar Agreement", which has failed to help Yezidis there.…
Jun 5, 2021 20 tweets 22 min read
VIP escort arranged by #Netherlands govt for female #ISIS #Daesh terrorist's return home from #Syria. Female ISIS members committed horrific crimes and provided material support for genocide + terrorism. #Yezidi #Yazidi

video via @HaraldDoornbos

@telegraaf @ADnl @volkskrant Some may wonder why female #ISIS #Daesh members are given protection by their home governments, considering the literal GENOCIDE the Islamic State perpetrated against #Yezidi #Yazidi . Partly, it is because European states wrongly assess female ISIS members as not culpable.
May 10, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Today the United Nations @UN investigations @UNITAD_Iraq confirmed what we have all known: the #ISIS #Daesh attacks on #Yezidi #Yazidi was genocide.
As outlined by the @UNCoISyria in 2016, this was genocide in intent and execution. Many individuals, organizations, and even countries from around the world have worked hard to make sure that this is shown to be true, including those inside and out of the #Yezidi #Yazidi community.
Mar 26, 2021 21 tweets 17 min read
International concern and pity for the welfare and condition of #ISIS #Daesh members held in detention, from the reputable and esteemed @hrw @KenRoth @lettatayler , may have international legal weight but is missing the bigger picture.

Thread. It is admirable that crucial international rights organizations like @hrw and @amnesty work to improve adherence to justice, human rights, and the rule of law around the world. Rightly so and generally a force for good, as #Yezidi #Yazidi people know.
Oct 14, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
Thread: Some initial comments, concerns, hopes on the new agreement between #Iraq and #KRG on #Shingal . Some aspects are positive, but some can prove problematic. #Yezidi #Yazidi Image A primary source of concern is that the agreement and discussions were done without participation of #Yezidi #Yazidi community. We would like the intl community to call for local engagement in such negotiations.

Below is comment from @UNIraq . Image
Aug 11, 2020 5 tweets 8 min read
Thread. Since even before the #ISIS #Daesh genocide against #Yezidi #Yazidi #YazidiGenocide in 2014, the '@NATO member' #Turkey has been the #Jihad highway to #Syria and #Iraq .

These are items on sale in stores in Turkey for terrorist extremists like ISIS members. It is no secret that foreign terrorists, including #ISIS but not only ISIS, use #Turkey as a gateway, with encouragement and facilitation of Turkish state + parts of Turkey's society. But it is revealing + appalling to see #ISIS clothing / literature openly on sale in the street.
May 20, 2019 5 tweets 7 min read
Netherlands negotiating to bring back #Dutch female #ISIS members. @nlinkri @MinBZ @NLatUN. Does Netherlands care for justice? If so, they MUST be prosecuted. Or is #NL safe haven for those who support / commit genocide, terrorism, mass rapes and abduction?… Neither #NL nor other countries should be fooled by 'innocent wife' stories of female #ISIS. ISIS women among most wretched, evil perpetrators of #ISIS crimes against humanity & genocide. Not only terrorism. Shall they walk free in Europe? #Yezidi #Yazidi…