Joel Benjamin Profile picture
Environmentalist & campaigner demanding reboot of our financial system. Comms Manager @CarbonBubble. Prev @debtresistuk. Mastodon:
Mar 15, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
Western Government's lax attitudes to public health & safety, as a secondary consideration to market integrity is being brutally exposed by effectiveness of response in Asia #COVIDー19 #CoronavirusOutbreak #Korea Look at the trend of #Coronavirus spread in S Korea (everyone with symptoms gets #Covid19 testing) vs UK where only the v sick, footballers, CEOs & MPs get tested.
Dec 17, 2019 8 tweets 27 min read
I've had enough of Senior #BBC Management & journalists gaslighting the British public & refusing to apologise for the BBC's appalling #GeneralElection2019ً coverage. Complaint letter to Director Tony Hall here:… #BBCbias @bbclaurak @Renegade_Inc @nw_nicholas @medialens @BBCNewsPR @TheMendozaWoman @LabourLeft @SouthHackneyLab @ta_mills @D_Raval A key point here is the #BBC are completely out of touch with their audience, partly because BBC complaints & monitoring is palmed off to outsourcing crooks #CAPITA. Send your GE2019 #BBCbias complaints direct to BBC management instead👇…
Oct 5, 2019 9 tweets 8 min read
Theres been lots of talk recently on the role of Hedge Funds profiting from shorting the £ with #NoDeal Brexit & channelling funds to PM @BorisJohnson… @BorisJohnson While obviously of concern, the focus on no-deal £ short selling misses the bigger picture of financial deregulation, & the #Brexit shock being seen an opportunity by the #CityofLondon financial elite to slash "red tape" & lower taxes…
Aug 22, 2019 6 tweets 11 min read
I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds @joswinson an irritating and entirely disingenuous politician. Her attack lines make a *lot more sense when you review who funds her...… #NeoliberalDemocrats #KPMG @joswinson Let's take Melissa Geiger of #KPMG who donates to @joswinson's office

Melissa is a Partner and Head of International Tax and Tax Policy for KPMG in the UK…
Mar 20, 2019 4 tweets 6 min read
The #BBC's @Hoskea10 digs into #LOBOloan bank debt at Sheffield City Council (from 27mins)… #Sheffield had to pay a £12.3m "breakage loan" to the Royal Bank of Scotland #RBS to escape a £20m loan. Clive Betts, Chair of @CommonsCLG and a Sheffield MP said: "that the bank #RBS actually gets a double benefit, once for fiddling the #LIBOR interest rate, a second time when their council #LOBOloan interest rates go up"… #localgov #fraud
Aug 5, 2018 12 tweets 12 min read
I've absolutely had it with this 24/7 #antisemitism news cycle, which is being weaponised by elements of the Labour party and the mainstream press to undermine the Labour party and its leadership... #TomWatson If you haven't heard @MikeSegalov on anti-semitism yet, his interviews for the #BBC and Momentum are well worth a listen
Dec 30, 2017 18 tweets 10 min read
1. The following is a thread on Brexit, #bluepassports and 'fake news' 2. The whole black/ #bluepassport thing = so farcical. Did my best to avoid the subject, until PM's spin doctor @RobbieGibb started tweeting about ‘fake news’ harming democracy