Dr. Keisha N. Blain Profile picture
✨ Award-winning Historian, Writer, and Professor | 📚 Latest Book: WITHOUT FEAR: Black Women and the Making of Human Rights (@wwnorton, 2025).
May 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I regret sharing the NYT article on Haiti yesterday. So many scholars are noting their egregious editorial practices. The writers of the article did not properly credit their sources. I’ll drop a few threads below for further context.
Apr 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
✨I’ve been working on this article for @TheAtlantic for several months. It was difficult to write, but I am so glad it's finally out. I could not have written this article without the help and support of some *amazing* people. A thread of gratitude.👇🏾

theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/… First and foremost, I’m so grateful to the brilliant editor Vann R. Newkirk II for helping me with this piece *from start to finish.* Working with him was such an honor. And the 'Inheritance' series is stellar. I'm thrilled that I had an opportunity to contribute to it.❤️
Dec 11, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Thread for junior #scholars: I evaluated a lot of fellowship applications this semester & want to make a few observations. I won’t name the fellowships, but they’re among the most competitive in the academy. I want junior #scholars to thrive & hope these tips will help. #academia First, please communicate with your letter writers. There’s something very odd about reading a proposal that is significantly different from the rec letters. If you’re planning to write three chapters on X, tell your letter writers so they don’t say you’re doing research on Y.
Nov 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
No offense to journalists & others who occasionally write #history. We appreciate you and we thank you. We hope you will continue to do it. But I think it's important to note that many of us are professional historians. We have devoted our lives to studying & teaching history. Many of us teach history courses at the college level. We have PhDs in history (so yes--we definitely devoted our lives to this). And many of us write history books based on original archival research (we essentially write the books journalists end up citing...or refuse to cite).
May 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't think a lot of people understand how nasty people can be in the academy. Many of us aren't doing this because folks treat us so well. I can't speak for others but I know what keeps me going is the belief that I can make a positive difference in someone else's life. I am most fulfilled by the opportunity to produce research I'm proud of. I love working with students with the hope that I'll help them find a path that excites them as much as history excites me. I try to ignore the pettiness and professional jealousy (there's a lot of that...)
Feb 22, 2020 7 tweets 11 min read
👇🏾Here's the link to the public letter several of us are sending to @netflix & the producers & directors of #WhoKilledMalcolmX. You're welcome to sign in agreement with me, @JeanneTheoharis, @drashleyfarmer, Robin DG Kelley, @TheBarbaraSmith, @MHarrisPerry, @DrIbram & many others @netflix @JeanneTheoharis @drashleyfarmer @TheBarbaraSmith @MHarrisPerry @DrIbram We are disappointed at the complete disregard of women activists & women scholars in the series. The producers went to great lengths to include the perspectives of many men, including those w/o expertise on Malcolm X and/or Black Power. Yet not a single woman scholar was featured
Aug 26, 2019 10 tweets 10 min read
I finally had a chance to go through 150+ packages of #books sent to me (yikes)! TYSM to the various publishers for keeping me in the loop on the new #scholarship in #BlackStudies, #History & #Gender Studies.🙏🏾Here's a thread of a few books I am very eager to read this fall.🙌🏾📚 By @ruha9: 'Captivating #Technology: #Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life' @DukePress

Dec 28, 2018 10 tweets 5 min read
Thanks, @politico, for your all-white list of #historians offering insights on 2018! Here's a thread of some other historians in the United States who you did not know existed. I'll start with a few & others will contribute to the thread to help you out.

politico.com/magazine/story… I'll start with @ProfCAnderson, Professor at Emory University. Check out her website:
