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Your digital ally to smash patriarchy! Award winning feminist project. Find us on IG where we are more active. #genderbasedviolence #tech #anticaste #antiracist
Dec 22, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
#Thread Urban Company, an Indian home services provider, is suing its women partners (mostly offering beauty services) who have been protesting for over 2 months against low wages, poor working conditions, & high commissions. There are many reasons to support the workers. The company has called the protests “illegal” and has sought an injunction to make the protestors vacate the company’s premises. But protesting is every worker’s right and calling protests illegal is undemocratic.…
Dec 21, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
#Thread In the wake of the sexual assault allegations against “Sex and the City” actor Chris Noth (who played the character “Big”), let’s address some of the recent questions being raised about #MeToo. Many (including feminists) have started saying how naming perpetrators publicly is driven by a desire for revenge. This is a highly problematic stance.
Nov 10, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
#Thread Fighting systems of oppression: Why #empathy must inform our actions and politics: Systems of oppression are founded on an “us vs them” narrative. These systems thrive by subjugating those who deviate from a group's bigoted norms deemed as the "other"; seeking to dehumanise and strip "other" individuals and communities of their sense of being and livelihood.
Sep 27, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
#Thread You need to keep talking about #caste to your dominant caste family members. Staying silent makes you complicit in casteist violence. It can be challenging, of course.
- What happens when you do try?
- What strategies should you use?
- Why you should do it. What happens when you challenge a family member about their #casteism?
- They are shocked and/or in denial
- You are afraid of hurting them or provoking their fury.
- If you are dependent on them, they might threaten to or withdraw their support
Mar 4, 2021 21 tweets 6 min read
#CallToAction This International Women’s Day, back our right to peaceful protest! Stand with these brave women attacked & arrested on trumped up charges in India- only for defending democracy. QT or RT this thread from now up to 8th March with the tags #RightToDissent #IWD2021 Disha Ravi, 22 years, Climate Rights Activist Image
Oct 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
The Indian government has set up a committee to rewrite all of our criminal laws and here's the big problem- (via @citizensspeakup) YOUR CIVIL AND POLITICAL LIBERTIES ARE IN DANGER. Criminal laws define the limits of what we can do without fear of punishment. They are meant to have safeguards to ensure that the police, the government, and those in power can't jail, punish or kill people at will.
Sep 18, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
#Thread September is PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Awareness Month!
The patriarchal gender bias in healthcare care practice and medicinal research has a negative impact on our well-being! The impact is huge and diverse! People living with PCOS find it challenging to navigate through the bias that distorts research, diagnosis, and treatment. According to research, PCOS is fast becoming a modern epidemic, especially in Asia.
Sep 15, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
#Thread Why we prefer the terms “disabled" or "person with a disability” by @Srishhhh_tea & @ananay__ Terms such as "specially/differently-abled" or "divyaang" actually do less good and more harm. We find these terms derogatory. Well-intentioned as they may be, they have roots in ableist notions and imply that having a disability is bad.
Jul 17, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
#THREAD How to be an anti-caste feminist when you have caste privilege. (Not an exhaustive list)

1. Listen actively to Dalit feminists. Respond with feminist love & solidarity rather than with indifference, defensiveness or opposition. 2. Acknowledge your caste privilege. Do not constantly centre only your own feelings, experiences or perspectives.
Jan 16, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Death penalty for rapists does not lead to long term impact that ends rape and other gender-based harms & as feminists we unequivocally stand against all violations of human rights, including against the death penalty. 1/n The most common reasons people supporting the death penalty for “heinous crimes” including gender-based violence is that such a punishment is deserved &/or that a punishment as harsh as the death penalty will deter more people from committing rape & symbolize zero tolerance 2/n
Dec 12, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
There's been a lot of talk on #CAB, some in good faith, some uninformed, others plain bigoted. A thread on this complicated, complex issue that dates back to colonised India (imp to keep this in mind). Views expressed here will be different to yesterday's due to change in curator There’s a huge difference between an “anti-immigration” sentiment of the bigoted kind by a powerful majority and the resistance to immigration by people whose autonomy over their own land has been historically undermined by people they consider outsiders or oppressors.
Nov 22, 2019 25 tweets 22 min read
THREAD 18 reasons to #StopTransBill2019 [Rajya Sabha MPs tagged here]. #StopTransBill2019
Jan 7, 2019 22 tweets 19 min read
JOIN the tweet storm to #StopTransBill2018 !! With us now-Brandt, a transmasculine person from Bombay, feminist & freelance editor, he deposed before the Parliamentary Standing Committee appointed to research issues with the Bill before it was tabled, passed in its present form. [Note: Brandt is providing content and the tweets are being sent out by the Smashboard team].
Oct 25, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
@IndiaMeToo Ironically, the GoM is headed by a cis-het man. And has two uppercaste women on it, anyway, coming to the policy part:
There should also be an advisory committee consisting of women from all marginalised sections so that our concerns don't get sidelined. @IndiaMeToo Policy changes need to think of accessibility, literacy and the institutions should be local so that survivors can engage with tools directly without going through an expensive and traumatic police, legal system.
Oct 25, 2018 10 tweets 8 min read
@IndiaMeToo @DivyaKandukuri_ I will go on posting the differences in pointers as feel there shouldn't be a need 2 elaborate each.(Most elaboration has been given on Q1 already)
1)The clear and visible difference is #LoSHA made the marginalised women feel secure to name their predators unlike the second wave @IndiaMeToo @DivyaKandukuri_ 2) Raya’s list was not even recognized as India’s #MeToo moment. It was crushed & derailed by unfair positing of “due process” vs “naming” which was equated to shaming then. But today naming is being applauded according to convinience.
Oct 25, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
@IndiaMeToo First and foremost step towards achieving a way is- To acknowledge own's own privilege and stop occupying all the space.
1) Acknowledge privilege
2) Re-distribution of resources- Provide resources you have to the marginalised without acting like a 'saviour' + @IndiaMeToo 3) Pass on the mic and amplify the voices of marginalised using your social capital
4) Instead of coming to us to 'reform/civilize us'- reform your own casteist, rascist, transphobcic, ableist households +
Oct 25, 2018 25 tweets 31 min read
@IndiaMeToo It feels really powerful to see how women are coming out and speaking up as well as standing up for each other!This strengthens what we called, sisterhood!When I talk about concerns that got erased in this celebration of sisterhood,I am not delegitimising ur struggles/pain at all @IndiaMeToo Thank you for the question. This has two questions and I would like to answer the second one by the end of this thread. And coming to inclusion- I'm gonna share in 2/3 tweets what bell hooks says about white feminism, the inclusion of black women in women's movement.