Global network for a rapid reduction of air traffic & a just transition towards mobility that works for people and planet.
Jul 11, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
This is the Vjosa National Park in Albania 🇦🇱
It's the only wild river national park in Europe.
And Munich Airport is building an airport there.
Every new airport is an act of climate vandalism - and this one is particularly bad.
It breaks Albanian national law and international biodiversity protection conventions that Albania has ratified.
Feb 22, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Did you know?
▶️WHO/EU aircraft noise levels are exceeded around most airports?
▶️Aviation’s dangerous ultrafine particles aren’t regulated?
▶️What to do about #aviation’s serious #health effects?
👉 Check out:
#Aircraft #noise can lead to serious health problems, from heart disease to mental health issues, sleep disturbance and hearing damage.
E.g. estimates say night-time aircraft noise near Frankfurt airport leads to 23,400 hospitalisations and 3,400 deaths a year.
Aug 29, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
There's a big climate scandal that nobody is talking about.
National governments have quietly shelved their pledge to keep aviation emissions in line with the 1.5°C goal. 🧵
First, some context.
The International Aviation Climate Ambition Coalition (IACAC) was launched at COP26 & includes most of the biggest aviation polluters:
The aviation industry needs to face reality and find a #SafeLanding for the people working within it.
Various factors make change inevitable, but we have a choice: design or disaster. Let's choose design!
A thread about our #SafeLanding narrative and when and how to use it ⬇️
Transformation can bring us a clean environment, a fair economy and livable future - and better, more secure jobs
To ensure this we need a #JustTransition that is targeted, led by working people, democratic, and part of a society-wide push to put us on track for a fair economy.
Apr 25, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
‼️A class action lawsuit was filed last week in a Washington State court over health effects and soil contamination from air pollution from aircraft landing and taking off at SeaTac Airport.
The 46 page (double spaced) Complaint will be of interest to many in the US.
The potential plaintiff class is 300,000 home owners and renters within a 5-mile radius of the airport. The lead attorney is Steve Berman of Seattle, who some years ago won the first (and big) class action suit against the major tobacco companies.
Nov 10, 2022 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Today, people in several countries are protesting at private jet facilities. Why are they doing this?
5⃣ reasons why we need to #BanPrivateJets. 🧵🔽
1⃣ Private jets are the most polluting option. They emit huge amounts of climate-damaging emissions compared to already highly polluting commercial flights - and especially to low-emissions alternatives like trains. #BanPrivateJets#TaxFrequentFlyers#MakePollutersPay
Oct 7, 2022 • 10 tweets • 10 min read
BREAKING: The UN aviation agency @ICAO has just adopted a new long-term climate target - #NetZero by 2050
#ICAO's net-zero target is not binding for states. They still have no obligation to reduce emissions sufficiently to meet the 1.5 degree limit. 2/9
Oct 7, 2022 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Unveiled: The UN aviation agency (@ICAO) is captured by corporate interests 📈🤑!
Right in time for #ICAOA41 a new report by @Influencemap reveals how corporate interests influence the global climate policy at the UN agency for aviation.
Why is this so concerning?
.@ICAO has some serious and concerning transparency issues:
🤐 Non-disclosure agreements for delegates to join closed-door meetings
🔒 secret climate negotiations
🚫 media bans for key climate meetings
The 2nd day of #AviAction starts with a keynote: Solidarity Beyond Borders: Targeting European institutions involved in destructive airport projects worldwide.
With representatives of Filipino organisations speaking about a massive airport complex in the Bulacan province. 🧵🔽
The construction for a massive airport and airport city complex, an ‘aerotropolis’, in the Bulacan province, Manila Bay in the Philippines is underway.
Oct 5, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
What is @StayGroundedNet, who are our members and why do we struggle against aviation?
Our campaigner Anne Kretzschmar's opening statement at today's press conference before the opening of our #AviAction conference. 1/4
Why is #AviAction needed?
What happened - and what did not happen - since our last #Degrowth of Aviation conference 2019 in Barcelona: raising awareness, but aviation remains untaxed, received huge Covid bailouts and it's still growing, after a short drop due to the pandemic. 2/4
Aug 17, 2022 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
5⃣ things everyone needs to know about aviation and the climate – what science says.
The institute @ISAE_officiel has together with external experts summarised the scientific literature on aviation, its climate impact and ways forward:…
@ISAE_officiel: "If we consider all the effects (CO2 and non-CO2), commercial aviation accounted for 5.1% of the climate impact over the 2000-2018. Period."
Jun 29, 2022 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
Not enough!
The EU has taken several decisions on air transport this week - and failed to bring it on track for 1.5 degrees.
We need pressure to get the EU to do more! #Thread 🧵 1/
June 24
🇪🇺 reveals new Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation to “make hydrogen-powered & electric aircraft a reality” – even the industry itself acknowledges: options won’t be viable until it's too late - 2035-40 at best - & will only fly a few hundred km… 2/
What are the injustices fuelled by our fossil-based mobility and economic system – and what does climate justice mean in this context?
A thread 🔽
The enormous global injustice of the climate crisis:
The countries of the Global North are responsible for 92% of climate-damaging emissions beyond the safe planetary limit of 350 ppm CO2. The Global South is responsible for just 8%, as a 2020 study by @jasonhickel has shown. 2/
May 17, 2022 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
The climate crisis and aviation‘s role 🌏🔥✈️
11 facts that will change your view on air traffic and its climate impact #CommonDestination#ReframeAviation
#Thread 🧵1/14
Before Covid, flying caused around 1 billion tonnes of CO2* per year.
That means if aviation were a country, it would be one of the largest single emitters, just behind Japan and ahead of countries like Germany and South Korea.
*Flights have additional climate impacts.
May 11, 2022 • 8 tweets • 9 min read
We need new narratives to reduce aviation and lay the tracks for a fair planet!
Biofuels are *theoretically* a feasible alternative to fossil jet fuel. But: they have countless negative side effects and their quantity will remain limited. #greenwashing
A thread on their problems and limits. 🔽🧵
Problem 1: biofuel use is severely constrained by the sustainability and availability of biomass
Nov 16, 2021 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
#Hydrogen is touted by some as THE great climate remedy.
Parts of the #aviation industry are also telling us that we will soon be flying on hydrogen.
Why this is not true - a thread. 🔽 🧵
The basics: in order to use hydrogen as a power source for aircraft instead of kerosene it could either be burned in a jet engine or used to feed a fuel cell to generate electricity to power a propeller.
Nov 4, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
What the aviation industry tells you: electric planes will play a big role in decarbonisation.
What they don't tell you: due to heavy batteries, electric planes are viable only for short distances - which won't change for decades to come.
Learn more:…
Efficiency has a problem - it's called #ReboundEffect. History shows us that "efficiency improvements" have always been accompanied by increased emissions! This is because efficiency also reduces the cost of flying and contributes to air traffic growth = emissions growth.
Nov 4, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
"Small cuts in air traffic would level off global heating caused by flying"
Good article by @katerav about an important paper by @milankloewer et al. - but with a few blind spots.
Let's explain what's missing here. Thread 🔽🧵…
First of all: the article talks about a 2.5% reduction in air traffic each year. That is not a small change! Because until now, air traffic has grown at >5% per year. And it wants to continue to do so after Covid - despite rising emissions and climate emergency.
Nov 1, 2021 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
It's #COP26 and the #aviation industry has no plan - and no intention - to to do its fair share to stay below #1point5.
🧵🔽 A thread about the top 5 false promises and the limits of 'green technologies' for '#SustainableAviation'.
#1 Efficiency. The #aviation industry tells us that it emits less and less CO2 per kilometre. What it doesn't tell us is that air traffic is growing much faster than efficiency is improving - resulting in higher climate pollution. #ReboundEffect
Sep 21, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
#Airbus announces that by 2035 it plans to build hydrogen "zero-emission" aircraft.
But #HydrogenPlanes are not the solution to the aviation industry's climate problem. Why? Thread. ⬇️…1. Waiting for such technologies prevents climate mitigation today.
Disruptive technologies have been announced in various sectors for decades, and the world is still waiting for the vast majority of them. In the meantime, emissions continue to rise.