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Trading Wisdom | Disciplined Trader | Trading Motivation : @DestinedMusk
Jun 4, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
"90% of the new traders lose 90% of their capital in the first 90 days."

What do the rest 10% do differently ?

The answer lies in RISK MANAGEMENT

@vishalmehta29's lessons on risk management can take your trading to the next level.

Read on 👇…
Risk Management is simple words.
May 14, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Time based index straddles are being deployed by majority of people on expiry days but they fail badly on choppy days

Rolling straddles are great for such expiry days

@kirubaakaran's RSS expiry strategy has given great results over the past 6 years with less DD.

Read on...🧵… Image Strategy Details ⬇ Image
May 13, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I always wondered which stock/index to select for trading.
@DestinedMusk gives us his insights on the criterias to select an underlying for trading in the YT video
#OptionsTrading #Nifty #banknifty #finnifty #TradingSuccess #wealthcompounders #trading

1/4 Image 2/4 Image
May 13, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
The biggest mistake beginners do in #stockmarket is to directly start FnO trading.
I did the same mistake but you can avoid it!

Here is a profitable mean-reverting intraday stocks strategy from @vishalmehta29 that you can begin with.

#StocksToTrade #Nifty #stocks

Read on👇 Image 1. Strategy Rules Image
May 7, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
I started trading 4 years ago by buying options.

Had I known this intraday sell strategy by Vishal Mehta, I would have avoided the loss that I faced in my 1st year.

Don't do the same mistake that I did!

#OptionsTrading #tradingstrategy
#nifty #banknifty #finnifty

Let's go 👇 Image 1.
The logic behind this strategy is to wait and sell that leg of straddle/strangle first that is decaying fast.

Basically follow the trend. Image
May 6, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Did you know ?

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala has a portfolio of Rs 35,763 Crores which is still growing.
Since his passing, his portfolio has been managed by team at Rare Enterprises, headed by Utpal Sheth & Amit Goela.

#StockMarketindia #investing #StocksToBuy

Complete Portfolio 👇 Image ✅Aptech Ltd
Holding 43.74% , Value - 780 Crs

✅Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Ltd.
Holding 17.32% , Value - 6007.45 Crs

✅Metro Brands Ltd.
Holding 43.74% , Value - 780 Crs

✅NCC Ltd
Holding 13.09% , Value - 1026.03 Crs
May 6, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Did you know ?

You can earn monthly rental income(between 1%-2%) from share market just like any house owner earns rent.

I have been doing this for last few years.

#OptionsTrading #Optionselling #coveredcallstrategy #stockmarkets #StockMarketindia #Nifty #Banknifty
Read on 👇 The strategy is Covered call strategy

Pre-requisites for the covered call strategy
1. You need to own a house. (Let's take #Nifty index for an example)
2. You need to own the complete house.
In our case, we need to own atleast 1 lot of Nifty.

How do we do that ? Read next
May 6, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
10 tweets that will teach you more than a 49,999 course.

#TradingSuccess #tradingpsychology #OptionsTrading #nifty #banknifty #finnifty
👇 1. Technical indicators are overrated, Market doesn't care about them.

Price action and volume is what feeds into indicators.