@alarmphone Profile picture
Independent support for people crossing the Mediterranean Sea to the EU | If in distress, call +49 30220119540 or +33 486517161 | media: media@alarmphone.org
Mar 11, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
🆘! 47 lives at risk in the Central Med!

Alarm Phone is contact with 47 people in a boat adrift who fled from #Libya. Weather is extremely dangerous and immediate rescue is needed!! Image The merchant vessel BASILIS L is on its way to the boat in distress in order to assist the 47 people. However, we fear that it will return the people to #Libya. They need to be brought to a place of safety, not to the torturous conditions of Libya! Image
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
"Bonjour mon frère, nous sommes dans un bateau et nous avons un problème, s'il vous plaît aidez-nous. Euh, il y a des enfants, des familles - il y a de l’eau qui rentre (dans le bateau) - nous n'avons rien pour le sauvetage pour la sécurité. " @Utopia_56

alarmphone.org/fr/2022/12/14/… Le fait que la position initialement donnée par les personnes en détresse était proche de la ligne séparant les eaux françaises et britanniques soulève des questions urgentes sur la coopération entre les services de secours pour effectuer le sauvetage de ce bateau.
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🚩Alarm Phone Statement on the deadly incident in the #Channel today.

“Hello brother we are in a boat and we have a problem please help. Uh, we have children and family … water coming ... we don't have anything for rescue for ... safety.” @Utopia_56
alarmphone.org/en/2022/12/14/… The fact that the position of the initial rescue operation was on the border line between French and British waters raises urgent questions on the cooperation of the Coastguards to make sure this boat was rescued.
Dec 8, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
🆘 Relatives informed us about a group stranded on an islet on #Evros river. The position they sent shows the people on #Greek territory. On the phone, the border guard station of #Soufli promised a quick rescue. We have no direct contact with the group & hope help is on its way! Image The officer on duty of the border guard station in #Soufli told us on the phone that they have sent a team to the location but could not find the people. In the past, this line was used to cover up #pushbacks. We are worried - where are these people?
Aug 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🆘~70 people adrift in Malta Search and Rescue zone!

Alarm Phone alerted RCC #Malta via email, but, once again, they are not reachable on the phone. The people in distress report that the engine stopped and that they need rescue urgently! Don't waste time, rescue now! The approximately 70 people were able to restart their engine but have now run out of fuel! They report that one person on board has died, just 25 nautical miles from the Italian SAR. We have alerted authorities several times already - rescue is needed urgently!
Aug 7, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Overnight, the situation became even worse. More people were pushed back to the islet & the group now consists of 70 people. The people reported shootings from border authorities. They still cannot move away from the islet & are exhausted. We also contacted @Frontex which is active in the region, and asked how they address this situation. We received no answer. Once more, Frontex backs up their partners & their murderous practice.

End the blockade - let them move!
Oct 3, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
🆘~49 persone in pericolo nella zona SAR di #Malta!
Le persone, in fuga dalla #Libia, sono in pericolo a bordo di una barca sovraffollata. Necessitano di supporto immediato. Le autorità sono informate e speriamo che lancino una operazione di ricerca e soccorso il prima possibile. Abbiamo appena parlato con le 49 persone in pericolo. Sono ancora alla deriva e chiedono urgente soccorso! Ci hanno dato una posizione aggiornata che mostra che sono ancora nella SAR di #Malta. Autorità informate. Va lanciata una operazione SAR ora!
Oct 3, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
🆘~49 people in danger in #Malta SAR zone! The people are fleeing #Libya and are in distress on a overcrowded boat. They need immediate support. Authorities are alerted & we hope they’ll launch a search & rescue operation soon. 🆘 We just spoke to the 49 people in distress. They are still adrift & in need of immediate rescue! They also gave us an updated position showing they are deep in #Malta's SAR zone. Authorities are alerted & need to launch a search & rescue operation NOW!
Sep 28, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
🔴ULTIMORA! Sei naufragi e ~200 morti al largo della #Libia a settembre!

Centinaia di persone sono morte nel #Med centrale in pochi giorni. Ancora silenzio delle autorità europee. I sopravvissuti sono vivi grazie agli sforzi dei pescatori.
Grazie @RescueMed per la traduzione. Come ad agosto, molti dei naufragi avvenuti a settembre non sono stati ammessi dalle autorità. Eccetto pochi casi, abbiamo saputo di queste tragiche morti in mare grazie ai sopravvissuti o ai coraggiosi pescatori che si sono rivolti ad Alarm Phone per far sentire la loro voce.
Sep 28, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
🔴BREAKING! Six shipwrecks and almost 200 deaths off #Libya in September!

Hundreds of people have died in the Central Med over just a few days & again European authorities keep silent. Those who survived are alive only thanks to the efforts of fishermen.

alarmphone.org/en/2020/09/27/… As in August, most shipwrecks that happened in September were not recognised by any authority. With the exception of a few, we only heard of these tragic deaths at sea because traumatised survivors or brave fishermen reached out to #AlarmPhone to make their voices heard.
Sep 25, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
🆘This morning, #AlarmPhone was alerted by some relatives about a boat with ~10 persons onboard, which departed on Monday night from Bab El Oued, in #Algeria. We informed authorities today at 3:20pm. @salvamentogov, the launch of a rescue operation is urgently needed! 🔴 WHERE ARE THEY?

No news concerning ~10 people in distress who left #Algeria on 21 September. We fear that they will have to survive a 4th night at sea. Relatives say they are on a white and blue wooden boat. @salvamentogob believe they are not in Spanish SAR zone yet.
Sep 22, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
🆘 Una barca con ~86 persone in pericolo rischia il naufragio tra #Libia e #Lampedusa! Non lasciateli annegare!

All’1:15 di notte siamo stati allertati da questa barca in fugu dalla zona di guerra libica. Da allora, nessuna reazione delle autorità.
Serve soccorso immediato!!! Image L'Europa lascia in pericolo ~86 vite!

10h fa abbiamo allertato le autorità di una barca in pericolo. Nessun soccorso in vista. Un aereo di @Frontex li osserva. La barca si sta sgonfiando e l'acqua sta entrando. Le persone chiedono aiuto, sono in pericolo! Non lasciateli morire!
Sep 22, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
🆘 Urgent! A boat with 86 people in distress is at severe risk of sinking between #Libya and #Lampedusa! Don‘t let them drown!

At 01:15am #AlarmPhone was alerted by this boat fleeing the Libyan war zone. Since then, no reaction by authorities.

The boat has to be rescued NOW!!! Image Europe leaves ~86 lives at risk!

10h ago we alerted authorities to a boat in distress. Still no rescue in sight, only a @Frontex plane watches them from above. The boat is deflating & water is entering. The people call for rescue, they are in grave danger! Don't let them drown!
Sep 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
🆘️ Circa 28 persone in pericolo in SAR maltese!

Una barca con ~28 persone in pericolo ha appena chiamato Alarm Phone. Non hanno benzina e sono alla deriva su una barca di legno. Serve soccorso immediato. RCC #Malta, compi il tuo dovere di soccorso, adesso! Image Le persone sono alla deriva e si sta facendo buio in mare. Le navi #ValleDeNervion e #PingHaiWan sono vicine alla barca in pericolo. RCC #Malta rifiuta di fornire informazioni su un possibile avvio dei soccorsi. Speriamo che non debbano provare a sopravvivere a una notte in mare.
Sep 20, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
🆘️ About 28 people in distress in Malta SAR!

A boat with ~28 people in distress just reached out to Alarm Phone. They have run out of fuel and are drifting on a wooden boat. They need to be rescued immediately. RCC #Malta, do not evade your duty again! Image The people are drifting and it is getting dark at sea. The vessels #ValleDeNervion and #PingHaiWan are close to the boat in distress. RCC #Malta refuses to provide information if a rescue has been launched or not. We hope they won't have to try to survive the night out at sea.
Sep 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
🆘ULTIMORA! NAUFRAGIO a largo di Garabulli #Libia. Un pescatore ci ha appena detto di aver soccorso 21 persone e di averne dovute lasciare 33 aggrappate ai tubi del gommone. Ha provato a informare le autorità ma nessuna risposta.
Potrebbero essere ancora vive. Serve SOCCORSO ORA I pescatori ci ha dato altre info:

Hanno trovato 54 persone su un gommone bianco che affondava e sono riusciti a soccorrere soltanto le 7 donne a bordo e 14 uomini.

Le autorità italiane ci hanno detto che non sono responsabili. La GC libica ci ha detto di richiamare domani.
Sep 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
🆘BREAKING! SHIPWRECK HAPPENING NOW off Garabulli #Libya. A fisherman just told us that he rescued 21 people but had to leave 33 people behind clinging on the rubber boat tubes. He tried to inform authorities but no reaction.

They might still be alive & need RESCUE NOW! The fishermen gave us more info:

They found 54 people on a sinking white rubber boat and rescued all the women on the boat, 7 in total, and also 14 men. They couldn't rescue anyone else.

Italian authorities told us they aren't responsible. Libyan CG say we should call tomorrow.
Aug 29, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
🆘 Una barca, con a bordo ~50 persone in fuga dagli orrori della Libia, è in pericolo nella zona SAR maltese! Alle 5.09 abbiamo allertato le autorità italiane e maltesi, ma non sembra stiano intervenendo. @Armed_Forces_MT, avete il dovere di soccorrerli ADESSO! Image #Moonbird ha appena avvistato le ~50 persone in pericolo, una nave delle @Armed_Forces_MT era vicina ma è andata via di nuovo. #Malta, compi il tuo dovere e soccorri le persone!
Aug 29, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
🆘 A boat with ~50 people on board, risking their lives to flee the horrors of Libya, is in distress in Malta SAR zone! At 5.09 CEST we alerted Italian & Maltese authorities, but there is no indication they will intervene. @Armed_Forces_MT, you have the obligation to rescue NOW! Image #Moonbird spotted the ~50 people in distress, @Armed_Forces_MT vessel was close, but left again. #Malta, do your duty and rescue the people!
Aug 28, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
A relative demands freedom for his brother now detained on the vessel #Etienne for 23 days. He writes: "Please, let my brother Osman and the other 26 refugees disembark in Malta, let them free!"

alarmphone.org/en/2020/08/28/… "On August 3 my brother Osman called me from #Libya. He said he would leave for Europe at night in a small boat with 25 other refugees. The boat did not make a very good impression on him but he really could not stay in Libya any longer. That was the last time I spoke with him."
Aug 24, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
🔴4 naufragi in una settimana a largo della Libia.

13-20.08: ~900 pers. su 14 barche hanno chiamato Alarm Phone. ~100 respinte in Libia, ~540 giunte in Europa. 100+ pers. morte o disperse. Il destino di 160 pers. è sconosciuto.

Il nostro report: alarmphone.org/en/2020/08/23/… Il primo (16-17.08) non è stato solo un naufragio. Un gruppo di 5 uomini ha sparato alle persone sulla barca, che ha preso fuoco. 45 persone sono state uccise. I sopravvissuti sono tali solo perché dei pescatori li hanno soccorsi. Abbiamo raccolto alcune delle loro voci: