Anders Corr, Ph.D. Profile picture
Publisher at Journal of Political Risk and Principal at Corr Analytics. Supporter of freedom, democracy, and human rights. Independent. Yale '01 Harvard '08.
Aug 16, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
A @NYTimes article quotes a @YLSChina scholar as saying there is no evidence of systematic forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners yet there is a recent peer-reviewed journal study that finds exactly this (link below). The quote is misleading and the NYT authors do not provide readers with authoritative alternative opinions that have a better grasp of the evidence and were subject to more rigorous academic review. The NYT should issue a correction and the scholar should issue an apology. @nicole_hong @mrothfeld @nytmay @mpr0010 @bequelin…… This issue is important enough that the NYT shouldn't dismiss it in good conscience with a single quote from a China human rights generalist. Additional evidence cited by Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (@MDsAgainstFOH) published on the UK Parliament website:…
May 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Hungary's Orban is not a conservative - and America's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) shouldn't go near him with a 10-foot pole. Orban undermines democracy and liberty in Europe - and is close to Putin and friendly with China.… That Orban's government paid for a CPAC conference in Hungary is highly questionable - CPAC is an American political organization and should be purely American funded.
May 22, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
Canada finally bans China's Huawei telecom from its networks. But the company still employs about 1,500 people, mostly in research and development, on Canadian soil. As Huawei is controlled by the CCP - all of its operations globally should be shut down.… Huawei cannibalized Nortel - a Canadian telecom with 70% of global business - that went bankrupt due to China's hacking of the company in 2004. Canada's government didn't protect Nortel even though Nortel's security asked. Read @scoopercooper…
Aug 17, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
CNN and apparently a Stanford prof (@RobertCrews22) are trying to blame the Kabul chaos on Trump - a sorry distortion. If you blame any past president, blame Obama for
precipitously expanding, then drawing down U.S. forces from their height in 2011 (I was there then). Trump raised troops briefly, perhaps to get a deal, then lowered them in line with the downward trend Obama started. Biden fumbled logistics and tactics at the goal line.
Aug 17, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The reason why Kabul fell so quickly to the Taliban is that the Taliban had infiltrated and compromised Afghanistan's leadership. China is trying to do the same in Washington, DC. Over three weeks ago, I warned British diplomats to get out of Kabul.…
Nov 25, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Shame on the @NYTimes for platforming propaganda by a genocidal regime in China. Cooperation with the CCP is leading to ever weaker democracies, economically and militarily.… The @NYTimes is happy to publish an op-ed by a leader of China's CCP (which is committing genocide against the Uyghurs), but not by a member of the US Senate. Those editors need to get their priorities straight.…
Nov 24, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The most underreported story of 2020: the US printed about $3 trillion USD and pumped it into the economy (about 5x the US trade deficit). The effect on inflation? Not much because everybody's got it under their mattresses.… The Euro area money supply, by contrast, increased by about 1 trillion euro (1.2 trillion USD) over the same period.
Oct 28, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
The signing of the BECA defense pact yesterday by the US and #India is a truly historic agreement as India has been a leader of the non-aligned movement (NAM) that arose at the Bandung Conference of 1955 in Indonesia...… ... and was formalized at the Cairo Conference of 1961. During the entire Cold War with the #SovietUnion, India was non-aligned with the western world despite the fact that it was a democracy.
Oct 27, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
"State of War, State of Mind: Reconsidering Mobilization in the Information Age", the latest from LCDR Robert “Jake” Bebber, USN in @JpolRisk. #China… "Recently, American policy-makers and national security thinkers have begun to recognize that revisionist powers in Communist China and Russia have no interest in preserving the current liberal order, and instead have embarked on a course to challenge and supplant the U.S...."
Oct 27, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
#Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Liberal Party) linked to #China influence operations, billionaires, and a crime network in Canada, including one that engages in illegal gambling and prostitution.… "In 2016 and 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participated in at least a handful of fundraising events in the Toronto and Vancouver regions that featured wealthy entrepreneurs such as Wei."
Oct 26, 2020 19 tweets 3 min read
600 groups in the US are in regular contact with #China's consulate and purposively influencing the policy environment leading up to November elections according to Newsweek. Meanwhile Biden fails to treat China as a serious threat. #2020Election… "The scope of alleged activities is enormous, involving social and business gatherings, extensive information campaigns and building political and economic ties that can be leveraged to Beijing's gain ..." -Newsweek
Oct 20, 2020 22 tweets 8 min read
.@UCNZ's current gagging of Brady and the fatal car crash against her petition coauthors two months ago are covered by Sky News in Australia. Brady's house has also been burglarized and her car tampered with - both suspicious occurrences. Photos of the fatal car crash two months ago in which a Brady coauthor died.
Oct 18, 2020 29 tweets 12 min read
U of Canterbury professor @Anne_MarieBrady is being administratively harassed by @UCNZ for her work on #China's influence operations. The China Democracy Foundation is crowd-financing $20,000 NZD in legal support. Please donate and spread the word here: Image .@james_t_quinn said of AMB, "foreigners with an interest in preserving their ties to the CCP suppress scholarship inconvenient to its strategic aims on their own, the regime’s aggressive, malignant foreign policy becomes that much harder to counteract."…
Sep 16, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
Financial links found between a pro-#China group in the USA and #BlackLivesMatter. The linking group is called "Black Futures Lab". Excellent investigation by @Gundisalvus @Heritage.… The Chinese Progressive Association was in 1982 described as a place for 'revolutionary-minded people".…
May 29, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
"We have little illusion about our chance of success … but we simply refuse to let #HongKong succumb to tyranny. We try anything and everything; we soldier on,” it said. -LIHKG statement.… While I admire and honor anyone who chooses to remain in Hong Kong under siege by the fascist #CCP, sometimes tactical retreat is a smart move. I hope activists who can live to fight another day by getting out of #HK do so and are honored to equal degree. #BeWater #DontGetCaught
May 28, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
#NewZealand @jacindaardern why didn't you sign the joint statement on #HongKong with the US, UK, Canada and Australia? You don't really agree with freedom and democracy at the cost of renminbi? #jacindaardern #turnardern #nz #nzpol #5eyes - 1=4eyes……
May 12, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
.@NPR still hopes that engagement with #China will soften Beijing in the future. It's not paying attention to the #CCP's uncooperative drive for advantage in nearly all of its global interactions. @emilyzfeng @amy_23_cheng… NPR authors: "While assigning blame might score points with populist elements in both China and the U.S., it comes at a cost for an important geopolitical relationship." Yet, not assigning blame risks a repeat by the CCP.
Apr 30, 2020 24 tweets 19 min read
"The sooner #China was included into the international community, the earlier it would learn to play along with international norms, the argument went. But, China’s current measures indicate otherwise. International norms are the ones being played."… "China’s attempts to make the @UN a tool for achieving its hegemonic ambition would erode the institution’s trustworthiness from within and render international cooperation parochial."
Apr 30, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
An article by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (@CBCNews) implied that "Canadians" (plural) see an @EpochTimes edition as racist, but only cited a single reader and did not provide any evidence from the edition itself. That hardly seems fair. Then they corrected the headline to something more accurate (and humorously unnewsworthy). @andreabellemare @jason_ho_to @KatieNicholson…
Mar 30, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
A billionaire Chinese national, Liu Dian Bo, bought 34 Australian hospitals in 2015 for $900 million. They have 8000 beds. Now that the country needs them most, the billionaire is shutting them down. His company wants more money from the government.… Looming shutdowns aren't limited to his co, "Healthe Care". Other hospitals are also facing financial difficulties. According to the article, "Ramsay Health Care has 25,000 beds at 72 private hospitals and is now sending staff on leave. Healthscope has 4400 beds at 43 hospitals."
Mar 18, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Most governments have prioritized over the past decades, in their lack of pandemic planning, the economy and immediate consumption. They ignored the long-term health of their populations by not arranging for sufficient masks and ventilators, for example, in case of pandemic. In the early stages of the pandemic, many governments again prioritized the economy through their efforts at minimizing the threat even as the #COVID2019 pandemic developed. #XiJinping is the worst in this regard, but was followed by @realDonaldTrump @BorisJohnson @DrTedros.