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Chainlink is the universal platform for builders and financial institutions pioneering the future of global markets onchain. #LinkTheWorld
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Jun 27 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ #Chainlink Data Streams is now live on @avax with @GMX_IO V2.

How Data Streams levels up GMX’s DeFi perps with high-throughput market data and automated execution 🧵…
2/ Data Streams offers next-gen speed while utilizing Chainlink’s credibly neutral oracle infrastructure.

The low-latency oracle solution enables GMX to deliver a seamless UX by providing unprecedented onchain execution speed and security.…
May 16 5 tweets 2 min read
We’re excited to share the results of a new Smart NAV industry pilot between @The_DTCC, Chainlink, and 10 of the world’s largest financial institutions that delivered key mutual fund data onchain.

Full report:

The significance for fund tokenization 🧵…
Image Processing $2+ quadrillion annually, The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is the premier post-trade market infrastructure that provides clearing, settlement, asset servicing, data management, & trade reporting around millions of security transactions each day.
Feb 21 4 tweets 2 min read
Ready for @DeveloperWeek?

Here's what #Chainlink is up to at the world's largest developer and engineering conference 🧵👇 Image 🎙️ Talks

Join Chainlink Labs Developer Advocate Richard Gottleber on February 22 at 9:30AM PT for a skeptic's introduction to building on the blockchain:
Nov 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Cross-chain security isn't a nice-to-have—it's a necessity for all chains and protocols that want to keep their user funds secure.

How CCIP achieves the highest level of security 🧵 2/ CCIP features multiple layers of decentralization and an independent Risk Management Network for verifying transactions, making it the only cross-chain interoperability protocol that reaches the highest level of cross-chain security.…
Sep 28, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

This new case study showcases how ANZ Bank (@ANZ_AU)—one the world’s largest banks with $1+ trillion in total assets under management—successfully demonstrated cross-chain tokenized asset settlement with #Chainlink CCIP.

Using the ANZ Digital Asset Services (DAS) portal along with CCIP as an abstraction layer, the case study demonstrated how ANZ customers could use CCIP to securely transfer ANZ-issued stablecoins cross-chain to purchase nature-based assets. Image
Dec 15, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
#Chainlink is pushing the boundaries of what's possible with NFTs, one oracle service at a time.

A thread on NFT innovation 🧵 When you think of #NFTs, you're probably envisioning something like a #CryptoPunk—a unique, 1-of-1 token with an image attached to its metadata that never changes.

This static format represents most NFTs today. But what else is possible with NFTs?
Nov 23, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ What’s the real difference between Web2 and Web3?

Cryptographic truth.

🧵👇 Image 2/ Web2 runs on centralized servers that leave you vulnerable.

You have to trust medical companies not to leak your personal details, online stores to protect your credit card info, and social media companies not to censor you. Image
Nov 15, 2022 12 tweets 14 min read
1/ With the collapse of a once trusted exchange, an unprecedented number of users are migrating to self-custodial wallets.

However, risk still exists in #DeFi with entities like exchanges minting wrapped tokens.

#Chainlink Proof of Reserve is critical for reducing this risk. 2/ Powered by oracles, Chainlink Proof of Reserve enables the reliable and timely monitoring of reserve assets backing wrapped tokens within the DeFi space.

💵 Stablecoins
🌉 Bridged tokens
🏠 Real-world assets…
Oct 5, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
Thousands of attendees gathered together at #SmartCon 2022 for two jam-packed days of keynotes, presentations, networking, satellite events, and afterparties.

Here's what it was like to be on the ground in #NYC. 2/ The conference took place at The Market Line—an expansive, three-floor space perfect for everything from in-depth technical discussions to making new friends.
May 8, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
#Web3 builders across the world are coming together to learn about #Chainlink and the benefits of cryptographic truth.

This week, connect with your local Chainlink community at events in #Phuket, #NYC, #LA, #TelAviv, and #Chicago Image On May 9th in Phuket, discuss the future of the #metaverse with leaders from @Dashpay, @initeio, and @master_ventures at this Chainlink Plugged-In event:…
May 3, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ Cryptographic truth is a new form of trust-minimized computing that fundamentally shifts the nature of trust in society—replacing handshakes, brand reputation, and paper contracts with tamper-proof computer code executed on decentralized networks. Image 2/ Trust-minimization involves methods that limit participants in an interaction from stating false info, stealing from others, going offline, or breaking agreed-upon rules.

When probabilistic variables are reduced, the interaction is more likely to function exactly as designed.
Apr 8, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
#Chainlink is moving society from weak paper promises to tamper-proof agreements built on a strong foundation of cryptographic truth.

Explore today’s announcements on #Ethereum and #Polygon. Helping ensure a verifiably random #NFT mint with @hiveinvestments on @0xPolygon
Apr 8, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ Dynamic #NFTs (dNFTs) are NFTs that can evolve and acquire new attributes based on specific conditions, such as external data.

This ability unlocks a vast number of new #NFT use cases.

A thread on how dNFTs work and what they can be used for 2/ In today's NFT ecosystem, the vast majority of NFTs are static images with fixed metadata.

Once you receive an NFT with specific traits and features, it stays the same forever.
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Today in #Chainlink integrations:

-Securing NFT mints and generating randomized traits with VRF
-Monitoring the backing of tokenized products with Proof of Reserve
-Accessing accurate data with Price Feeds

🧵👇 Image Helping secure NFT mints and generate randomized NFT traits with @0xPandemic on @0xPolygon
Mar 22, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
1/ Cryptographic truth is a new form of trust-minimized computing & record-keeping with superior properties to the methods used today.

This 15-part 🧵 explores how blockchains generate cryptographic truth and how #Chainlink vastly extends its application into the real world. 2/ Cryptographic truth is the combination of cryptography and decentralized consensus to deterministically compute applications and generate a “golden record” for all activity between users.

But how exactly are cryptography and decentralized consensus applied in blockchains?
Mar 22, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
#Chainlink trust-minimized services are integral to innovative #DeFi, gaming, and #NFT projects across the #multichain ecosystem.

Explore today’s integrations across #BNBChain and #Polygon🧵👇 Operating a #Chainlink node with #multichain validator service @ArtifactStaking

Mar 1, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ Looking to level up your #DeFi knowledge?

Explore these #Chainlink deep dives to learn the core principles of DeFi and how it's reshaping the financial tech stack through transparent decentralized applications🧵👇 2/ Learn what decentralized finance is and how it presents a new, permissionless model for financial interaction.
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
#Chainlink continues to unlock smart contract innovation and advance the growth of #Web3 by providing #blockchain dApps secure access to off-chain data and computation.

Check out today's integrations👇 Image Operating an official #Chainlink node with leading Middle Eastern telecom @STC_BHR
Feb 12, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
#Chainlink's wide range of secure off-chain data and computation services continue to unlock utility for #dApps across the #multichain ecosystem.

Today, integrations across #Avalanche, #BSC, #Ethereum, #Fantom, and #Polygon 🧵👇 Providing verifiable randomness to BLOK party games with VR-based #metaverse platform @bloktopia on @0xPolygon
Feb 11, 2022 5 tweets 7 min read
From helping to secure leading #DeFi protocols to providing key infrastructure for the developing #metaverse, #Chainlink is at the forefront of smart contract innovation.

In NYC, Denver, or Bangkok? Don't miss these upcoming in-person events to expand your knowledge of #Web3. For those of you in #NYC, @MBRichardson87 from @Bancor and @PaulErlanger from @dydxprotocol will explore the tools driving the growth of the #DeFi space.

Hear their thoughts at @betaworkstudios on 2/15.…
Feb 11, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ Version v1.1 of the #Chainlink core node software has been released! 🏗️

This update includes a number of key reliability, security, and efficiency improvements for Chainlink node operators.

🧵 In this thread, we'll explore some key new features.
2/ Multi-Chain Support:

As a beta feature, Chainlink nodes can now connect to multiple EVM chains simultaneously, enabling the creation of cross-chain jobs.

This is part of the groundwork required for the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (#CCIP).