Jatin Sharma Profile picture
Coder by profession, space explorer at heart. Writing code to pay the bills, daydreaming about black holes to fuel the soul. 🌌🚀
Jan 31, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
Chrome Extensions of the Month - January 2022

#chromeextensions #extensions #googlechrome #productivity #digitalmarketing #webdevelopment #graphicdesigner #google #webdeveloper #webdesign #tips #technology #coding #seo #css #javascript Image 1. ChatGPT for Google

It displays ChatGPT response alongside search engine results This is an open-source extension that shows the response from ChatGPT alongside Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and other search engines Image
Oct 1, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Chrome Extensions of the Month - September 2022

#ChromeExtensions #Chrome #Developer #webdeveloper #javascript #programming #productivity

Thread 👇 1. Fake Data

It is the most advanced tool for filling forms with fake and random data. Fake Data will help you insert random values in any form field. Generate random names, emails, addresses, phone numbers and many more types of data.