Sohail Nakhooda Profile picture
Founder, Islamica Magazine. Book designer, photographer and publisher.
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Apr 7, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
@MakisHellas1 1) Thank you @MakisHellas1. I see the visit by Mitsotakis to Libya as hugely important. Greece's relations with the east of Libya and institutions such as the HoR and the LNA are very good and once the Consulate is open in Benghazi I believe these relations shall strengthen more. @MakisHellas1 2) Diplomacy always take time and there are no instant miracles but depend on consistency and strength. The visit was the beginning of the process of altering the geo-political dynamics of Tripoli, which hitherto have been monopolised by Turkey for reasons we all know.
Mar 3, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
It didn't need #UAE, #Egypt, #Greece, #Russia, #France et al, to remind the #US that the policy unleashed by #Obama using Islamist proxies in MENA led to chaos, extremism and terrorism while bankrolled by #Qatar, with later logistics by #Turkey. In #Libya that was obvious to all. If it were not for the countervailing efforts of allies then Libya right now would have been in a precarious position at the mercy of very violent and dangerous Islamist terrorists organisations—sadly all-well linked to both Qatar and Turkey.
Nov 30, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
@andreas_krieg has a sad habit of peddling third rate Qatari and Islamist propaganda. In this dismal essay he blames the UAE for “merging the narratives about ‘Islamism’ with ‘terrorism’.” I hate to break it to Krieg but #Islamism does indeed merge with #terrorism. I pity him. After 30 years of experience with Islamist networks, I find it grotesque, distasteful, disingenuous, horrific that a whole cadre of superficially educated western scholars-for-hire continue to hold a candle for Islamist fascism and expect us Muslim to accept it. We will not.
Apr 25, 2019 18 tweets 14 min read
@qdepim @burweila @tmafaisal 1) You are right Quentin to caution such an approach, whoever we cannot also dismiss it because the affinities & interlinkages in theology & political between the more violent purveyors of Islamism and the grandmaster of Islamism itself, the MB, are also present and discernible. @qdepim @burweila @tmafaisal 2) There is also a discernible linkage between Wahhabism/Salafism with the MB, in that both share an underlying theological understanding of vital elements of what constitutes Islam, and this affinity at the theological level (setting aside politics for now) explains much.