⭐️ SDG ⭐️AKA Muse of Chicago Trib Editorial Board Profile picture
“Don’t read your press. Weigh it.” - Andy Warhol
Jan 15, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
“Change Chicago, and the rest of the country would follow.”+ chicagomag.com/chicago-magazi… “King’s decision to come to Chicago owed in large part to the efforts of 2 men: Albert Raby, a mild-mannered but headstrong teacher-turned-organizer who for years had led massive protests over the de facto segregation of the Chicago Public Schools”+
Aug 5, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
1/ I get the characterization of remote learning as a win.

It makes sense only bc our country has allowed politicians to turn the safety & mortality of human beings into a political contest. #COVID19 #SafeReopening 2/ Students, community groups, parents, and @CTULocal1 organized to force the mayor into making the best decision.

We shouldn’t have had to make her make that decision. An #ERSB should hv made the decision already. But, this is Chicago. #MakeItMakeSense
Aug 1, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
#Thread Mayoral control of #CPS has been an unmitigated disaster—#Daley, #RahmHatesUs & #MLL. Mayoral control has failed every single stakeholder in #CPS. #ERSBNow 1/ #MayoralControl has birthed some of the worst EDU policies ever.
50 schools closed.
Failed privatization schemes.
Scores of Black women educators fired.
Schools w/o nurses.
Schools w/o libraries & librarians.
The list is seems endless. #MakeItMakeSense 2/
Jun 18, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
...the meme is racist. Not the murder. Not the coerced confessions. Not the unjust decades long prison sentences. Not the abuse. Not the brutality. Not the murder. The meme. Got it. The meme. Not human life. My bad. Apologies.
May 14, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
#Thread 1/ While #Lightfoot was on a brief spring break trip, #Pritzker was pressuring the mayor *behind* the scenes to call off the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which the mayor did *after* cutting her vacation short. 🥴 #Covid19 #Vacation chicago.suntimes.com/politics/2020/… 2/ There was a debate about canceling a PARADE when we knew that #Covid19 was killing ppl? An actual debate abt: “Do we allow for mass death or...not?” WOW. Just wow. #COVID19
Mar 30, 2020 14 tweets 12 min read
#Thread What type of bottom feeding media attacks educators during a pandemic? The same one that wished a #HurricaneKatrina on #CPS. I’m guessing their goal is to remain on brand? #Trash #Covid19 chicagotribune.com/opinion/editor… #NewFlash : Educators are real ppl. We’re experiencing #Covid19 like the rest of the world. Some of our immune systems are compromised. Some hv contracted it. Some are awaiting results. Many are taking care of family who’ve contracted it. Some have died. #InRealLife #Covid_19
Mar 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
“The Chicago Teachers Union has always fought to make big changes. Collectively, we have fought against racial and economic disparities, attempts to close and privatize our public schools, and powerful special interests,” CTU Vice President Stacy Davis Gates said. “And now, our fight for high-quality schools and thriving neighborhoods take us to the ballot box. And let’s be real, our nation needs a political revolution.
Dec 10, 2019 25 tweets 11 min read
#Thread (a very long one) Yesterday, I visited the new Englewood STEM High School. Remember the close 4 high schools and open 1 high school deal #MRE hand-picked BOE (not to be confused w/ #MLL unelected BOE) approved in 2018 against community wishes? Yes, that one! 2/ Driving up to the school I saw bleachers, a football field, a track, & then the modern structure that houses 400+ freshman students. Nice.
Oct 13, 2019 25 tweets 11 min read
1/ #ME: Feeling a way about the incuriosity/obvious bias in the press. Thought I'd annotate an article with my thoughts/analysis. 2/ #CPS: The CTU won’t agree to the money until it gets the other items on what Jackson calls its “social justice bargaining” agenda.

#ME How do Black and Brown children get anything w/o a justice oriented agenda? Or, a demand? Better question: Why don’t they already have it?
Oct 12, 2019 15 tweets 6 min read
#CPS is now on the “to clarify” talking point this morning. They in here saying: “what had happened was we really didn’t mean to say we were done bargaining.” Explaining the proposal and back pedaling furiously. #developing