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Aug 26th 2020
Corruptus incredibils. We need to be #remote we need flexibility and we need options for outdoor learning. But before all that delay the opening and hit pause !
Cancel all state tests. Grant waivers for this year again. This is not business as usual. #red4ednyc #healthjustice #nycschoolsdeserve
No each school wont be able to do the same thing. We have been screaming at the top of our lungs about inequities for decades already. But outdoor learning, field trips, service projects all should be on the table in @NYCSchools
Read 8 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
1/ I get the characterization of remote learning as a win.

It makes sense only bc our country has allowed politicians to turn the safety & mortality of human beings into a political contest. #COVID19 #SafeReopening
2/ Students, community groups, parents, and @CTULocal1 organized to force the mayor into making the best decision.

We shouldn’t have had to make her make that decision. An #ERSB should hv made the decision already. But, this is Chicago. #MakeItMakeSense
3/ Honestly, once #Trump said re-open schools, the decision was obvious. But, #CPS and #MLL 🤷🏾‍♀️

Victory lap? Nah. Imma pass. We still hv an extraordinary amount of work before us. #RemoteLearning
Read 8 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
How will hallways, stairwells, cafeterias be monitored for social distance? @uft @MOREcaucusUFT
#healthjustice #coronavirus #ReturnToLearn #remotelearning
#remotelearning @NYCSchools #healthjustice #coronavirus How will charters and collocated schools be taken into consideration? Should collated schools be merged?
#healthjustice How can we lower touch points in our classrooms and in our instruction? Should students have 1 binder to keep their work in lower touch points? All work submitted online?
@UFT @nysut @NYCSchools @NYCSpeakerCoJo @MarkTreyger718 @madinatoure
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