There is harmful misinfo about #coronavirus in this@ABALearningLab blog & ABA busine$$ continue$, despite close contacts for transmi$$ion, visiting between homes, clinics, towns
This blog also breaches #BCBA Code of Ethics
Breach of @BACB_Inc #BCBA ethics code.
#ABA #behavioranalysis #TodayInABA @AutismEye @Tizard_ABAPBS @ABAIEvents

“What we’ve learned so far is that the virus.... seems to have a preference for older individuals and those with compromised immune systems.”
“To date, children are far less likely to be infected.”
@BACB_Inc @BACB_Worldwide @Tizard_ABAPBS @ABAIEvents
More harmful misinfo. These ABAers consider themselves “health” “professionals” but don’t understand symptoms versus infection.
“The virus is spread person to person through respiratory droplets in the air....There is also a chance that infection can occur though touching contaminated surfaces, although this is not believed to be the primary way the virus spreads.”
These rogue ABA “health” “professionals” forgot to mention not using your hand to do so.
@BACB_Inc @BACB_Worldwide @ABAIEvents @Tizard_ABAPBS
#ABAharms #TodayInABA #coronavirus #bacb #ABA # #ABAworks