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May 2nd 2023
#Writing #Headlines For #Copywriting That Grab #Attention: Tips for #Crafting Headlines That Stand Out Image
1. Your headline is the first impression you make on your audience. To grab attention, make sure it's specific and relevant to your audience's needs or interests. #headline #writingtips
2. Keep your headline short and sweet. Aim for 6-8 words to ensure it's easy to read and digest. #headline #writingtips
Read 21 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
🌟 Clear & Concise Communication

Master the art of delivering impactful messages and enhance your personal and professional relationships.
Ready to level up your communication skills? Let's dive in! 🚀
#Communication #Thread
2/ 🧠 Mindset Shift

Embrace the idea that less is often more when it comes to communication. By focusing on clarity and conciseness, you can express your ideas effectively and avoid misunderstandings. #MindsetMatters
3/ 🎯 Strategy #1

Know your purpose. Before you start a conversation, identify the main goal you want to achieve. This helps you stay focused and ensures your message is relevant and coherent. #KnowYourPurpose
Read 10 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
1/ 🌟 Clear & Concise Communication: Master the art of delivering impactful messages and enhance your personal and professional relationships. Ready to level up your communication skills? Let's dive in! 🚀 #Communication #Thread ▶️⬇️
2/ 🧠 Mindset Shift: Embrace the idea that less is often more when it comes to communication. By focusing on clarity and conciseness, you can express your ideas effectively and avoid misunderstandings. #MindsetMatters ▶️⬇️
3/ 🎯 Strategy #1: Know your purpose. Before you start a conversation, identify the main goal you want to achieve. This helps you stay focused and ensures your message is relevant and coherent. #KnowYourPurpose ▶️⬇️
Read 10 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
It's Day 3 of the Research profile Bootcamp hosted by @UoLLibrary. Wednesday is all about showcasing all of your research contributions. #SocialMedia with @DrHilaryYoung #NarrativeCV with @EmmaSpary and #OpenResearch with @mrnick Research Profile Bootcamp 6-10 March 23. Wednesday Day 3: Sh
@UoLLibrary @DrHilaryYoung @EmmaSpary @mrnick This morning's workshop starts at 10:00 and is the 2nd session run by @DrHilaryYoung from @448Studio - aimed at helping researchers who have some experience of using #SocialMedia to further develop their social media strategy. 🏋️‍♀️Watch this thread for tips🧵
We are hearing about challenges researchers face when it comes to using social media - lack of confidence, don't want to appear to be showing off, lack of engagement, not knowing what to post, lack of time, feeling shy, lack of followers.
Read 37 tweets

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