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Nov 10th 2022
In a press briefing, @FdreServiceGCS State Minister Selamawit Kassa says around 108,000 citizens in #Shire, #Sheraro, #Axum, #AdiDeharo, #AdiNebri and #AdiHageray and Selekleka areas of #Tigray were provided with the first round support from October 30- November 6, 2022. (1/3)
Additional 16, 100 quintals of wheat was delivered to the needy in the reported period. Moreover, the government has delivered over 43,300 quintals of wheat and 7,300 quintals of nutritious food to 287,000 people in need in #Raya- #Alamata, and #Korem towns. (2/3)
Additional 6,500quintals of nutritious food was also being provided that put the number of people addressed by the government to 396,000 citizens within eight days (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
1/ CNN on Ethiopia
Season 1 - The CNN TPLF Marriage
CNN published around 60 articles on the Tigray Conflict from Nov 3 to date. We all know about their biased reporting and clear support for #TPLFTerroristGroup but check these facts out
2/ CNN actively developed 9 editorials between Nov 5 & Nov 13 and 0 for the rest of the month with the exception of 2 on Mai Kadra they couldn’t ignore on the 22nd and the 26th. Coincidentally, @reda_getachew went offline since Nov 15th
3/ He stayed offline for 3½ months till end of Feb except two tweets on 4th and 22nd of Dec. During 3½ months CNN made ONLY 4 articles related to the war. Coincidentally, both the resumption of CNN’s active reporting & @reda_getachew|s twitter comeback happened March 1.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
A Glimpse of a Ruined #Tigray - Report

Below are 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗽𝘁𝘀 from the latest Needs Assessment Mission conducted by some Eth. ministries, @UNICEF @UNmigration @UNOCHA @WFP @UNFPA .... It covers from Alamata to #Mekelle, relatively least affected parts of #Tigray 1/20
“all people from Besober, Ulaga, Bala, Chamaro, Hawelti and May Mekden kebeles were displaced due to the conflict. #IDPs and the affected communities lost their belongings, mainly household items, food stock, jewelry, & cash. Most of those belongings were looted or destroyed 2/20
According to the regional authorities in #Mekelle, 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝟰.𝟱 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻 currently require some sort of humanitarian assistance... In Alamata and nearby areas only, about 𝟳𝟵𝟮,𝟱𝟬𝟬 require urgent food assistance. 3/20
Read 23 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
Mesfin Hagos (founding member of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (#EPLF) in the 1970s who served as Minister of Defense in the 1990s), the most authoritative voice on #Eritrea|n military affairs, reveals the extent of #Eritrean involvement in the #Ethiopia|n war.

(2/18) In an address to his country’s parliament on November 30, 2020, #Ethiopia’s Prime Minister confirmed #Eritrea|n support to his ongoing war against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (#TPLF), the regional government of the northern regional state of Tigray...
(3/18) ... where they were provided shelter and the space and provisions to recuperate. He flew there with three of his generals to reorganize the troops for a counterattack on #Tigray – from #Eritrea.

What Prime Minister Abiy did not tell his audience was the fact that...
Read 18 tweets

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