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Aug 9th 2021
#IOLCP - Short Term Swing Trading Opportunity !

CMP – 644.40 (9/8/2021)

(Must read Thread Thread for #TA learners)

@caniravkaria @Arpit1223 Fundamental Views Invited. Image

#IOLCP manufactures & sells bulk drugs & organic -inorganic chemical compounds in India & internationally.

Company offers APIs such as ibuprofen, metformin hydrochloride, lamotrigine, fenofibrate & clopidogrel bi sulphate.

It also provides specialty industrial chemicals.

After a massive run from March 2020 to December 2020, #IOLCP has gone into consolidation phase.

#TechnicalAnalysis #IOLCP #StockMarket #Trading #SwingTrading
Read 7 tweets
Jun 6th 2021
Case Study 3 : #UnitedSpirits / #DiageoIndia 🍻
CMP – 629.25 (4/6/2021)

(Must read Thread 🧵for #TA & #FA learners)

Fundamentals Sound & Technically Breakout Soon Candidate !


@dmuthuk hope you like our detailed analysis🙏

1⃣United Spirits Limited, abbreviated to #USL (Diageo India) is an Indian alcoholic beverages company, and the world's second-largest spirits company by volume.

#UnitedSpirits #USL #DiageoIndia #StockMarket #TechnoFunda #Investing
2⃣Company has a comprehensive brand portfolio with over about 80 brands of Scotch whisky, IMFL whisky, brandy, rum, vodka and gin.

11 of these brands sell more than a million cases annually.

#UnitedSpirits #USL #DiageoIndia #StockMarket #TechnoFunda #Investing
Read 17 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
A prominent technical analyst expert on P&F charting has commented on one of my H&S continuation post. If you are having difficulty to understand H&S continuation, you are not alone. I will review few charts and draw your attention to the dynamics behind price action.
Because more than what each chart pattern is named, it is more important to understand what the price action is trying to tell us. You can name it a H&S continuation, Cup & Handle, Darwas Box etc.
First, I will share the best of best H&S continuation chart pattern I traded when I was working for the semi-sovereign fund in Abu Dhabi. Since it has been more than a year I can disclose, we have doubled our investment of $20 million. People familiar can confirm.
Read 13 tweets

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