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Sep 21st 2022
Hi Nishant, I wrote a detailed thread on why I think it can fail. While any setup can fail, but obviously some are more failure prone and some are less.

We were taught to measure base in 2 ways - depth and duration. These are the key factors which differentiates a (1/n)
flat base kind of setup from larger bases like CNH and W Bottom, VCP as pattern etc.

According to WON, a base can qualify for a flat base if it is 4 week long and upto 15% deep. But WON himself says that Flat Bases are weak bases - they work better when they emerge as a (2/n)
base on base kind of thing.

Why Flat Bases are weak - think upon it. The answer lies in the Wyckoff's Law of Cause and Effect. Larger the cause, bigger the effect it will produce.

When I started reading WON's book - something which attracted my attention was - the book (3/n)
Read 15 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
Buying/Selling climax is very common in the #stockmarket and it is completely based on the price.

#Volume #Climax is something that I have observed.

In this thread🧵, I am sharing a #trading strategy that I am using based on this.

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What is this Volume Climax?

You would have seen some kind of spurt in volume in a day after a up/downtrend. Here, we don't consider any day in which there is corporate action or quarterly result.

Let's see some chart:

Below Chart is of #Metropolis when volume spurt occurred.
Now one to observe in Metropolis chart is after that volume spurt candle, the uptrend had paused.
This means at this candle smart money had offloaded the stock and retailers bought it. Hence stock went in the downtrend and Metropolis went down by 20%.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 9th 2021
#IOLCP - Short Term Swing Trading Opportunity !

CMP – 644.40 (9/8/2021)

(Must read Thread Thread for #TA learners)

@caniravkaria @Arpit1223 Fundamental Views Invited. Image

#IOLCP manufactures & sells bulk drugs & organic -inorganic chemical compounds in India & internationally.

Company offers APIs such as ibuprofen, metformin hydrochloride, lamotrigine, fenofibrate & clopidogrel bi sulphate.

It also provides specialty industrial chemicals.

After a massive run from March 2020 to December 2020, #IOLCP has gone into consolidation phase.

#TechnicalAnalysis #IOLCP #StockMarket #Trading #SwingTrading
Read 7 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
Stocks for 25/08/20 Intraday


Based on NR7, Volatility and Volume concepts
Results of the Day : 2/12 stocks gave tradeable moves

1/2 : #JSWSTEEL : PROFIT : +2.6R

Price wicked at previous session high multiple times and finally gave a bearish engulfing strong candle with Volume.

Exit was done after price went to support and gave bullish candles Image
2/2 : #TVSMOTOR : PROFIT : +2.4R

Similar reasons to JSWSTEEL, price wicked at previous session high resistance and formed Long wick candle and a Bearish engulfing candle

Final Exit was at HTF Support where Price started forming Bullish candles

Kindly❤️ / Retweet if it's Useful ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Stocks for 18/08/20 Intraday


Based on NR7, Volume and Volatility concepts
Results of the Day : Very Good Day for me.

4/10 Stocks gave tradeable moves.

1/4 : #TITAN

Price broke previous session's resistance with Volume and Good VWAP Structure. Got out of the trade since momentum was getting weak.

+3.7R profits booked Image
2/4 : #IOLCP

Similar price action to #TITAN, Price was bullish indicated by Wide range Bullish candles and good Volumes.

Got out of the trade for a max of +4R profits, which is the maximum I expect in Intraday trades. Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
Stocks for 06/08/20 Intraday


Based on NR7, Volume and Volatility
3/11 Stocks gave tradeable moves today. A/D was Bullish at 2:1 which defined the bias for the day.

1/3 : #BPCL

Bullish start defined by wicks and presence of Wide range Buy candles, which broke the previous resistance

+1.5R booked till the next level of resistance. Image

Start of day saw bearish moves but formed Double bottom at Support. Entry was taken when
- price formed wide range Bullish candle
- with Volume and
- closed above VWAP

+1R profits booked because of wicks at High Volume at resistance. Check Pinned Tip #1 ! Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
IOLCP: This question I ask everyone, How can a chart b so symmetrical?

#iolcp Image
Constructive move today. Pattern in the unfolding. Don't go after the outcome, love the process followed to get the results.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 17th 2020

Really complex APIs, formulations, branded segments, home diagnostics and whatnot. If growth in API happens, should cross all-time high. The stock corrected 30% even after the best Nos. Debt-free. repaid the debt of 100 Cr in last 5 yrs…
Invested by looking at the complexity of API they make, believe me, I am a chemist.
Few silent features: 80% US market share in Loratidine API that's amazing. Other APIs doing well are Montelukast, Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin, all complex.
3 Diabetic APIs under development. API Sales Revenue during the year 2020-21 grew by 14.74 percent at Rs. 473.95 crores with an impressive growth of 28 percent in Domestic and 10 percent in Exports.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
#IOLCP List of products

APIs in market: Ibuprofen, Metformin, Clopidogrel, Fenofibrate, Lamotrigine & Ursodeoxycholic

APIs in the pipeline: Pantoprazole, Gabapentin, Losartan, Domperidone, Fexofenadine, Pregabalin, Quetiapine
Chemicals & Solvents: Ethyl acetate, Isobutyl benzene, Monochloroacetic acid, Acetyl chloride

Chemicals in the pipeline: Sorbitol and Acetonitrile

Ethyl acetate being green solvent, 2019 global sale valued at $3.3 billion, massive opportunity for scale, Capex ongoing
One can easily guess that #IOLCP is trying to establish a whole supply chain (backward & forward integration) of products by looking at their current product portfolio

This can lead to Value addition and margin expansion

One chemical commodity is transformed into another
Read 5 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
API molecules are made by connecting fragments/intermediates. This joining process-synthesis takes place in the presence of ´solvent´. When India is taking a giant leap in manufacturing APIs, it needs thousands of liters of solvent
Listing some commonly used solvents here
Ethanol, Methanol
Toluene, Xylene
Ethyl acetate
Diethyl Ether
Acetic acid

Find out companies who make them or which solvents are being imported

India needs ´Atmanirbhar´ supply chain for becoming competitive
Surprised to know that India is import dependant on Acetic acid. About 75% is made from methanol. The biological route accounts for only about 10% of world production, for the production of vinegar as many food purity laws require vinegar used in foods to be of biological origin
Read 9 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
New Position: #IOLCP
Long @ 395 & @ 410


2 Long Positions back to back

Total Risk 1.2% on portfolio Image
Booked 1/3rd in #IOLCP. Trailed stop for rest, already a #FreeTrade.

Generated 3.5R in 3 days! Image
Booked another 1/3 in #IOLCP

Generated 5R from this quantity.

Up 25% from entry price in 7 days. Approaching untested BRN @ 500. Holding remaining 1/3rd in the stock. Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
IOL Chemical CMP 255
✍️ Ibuprofen price increased from $15 to $18. Management expects it to touch $20
✍️ Recently, Dept. of pharmaceuticals has clarified that no ban has been proposed on export of APIs & formulations in the wake of coronavirus outbreak

✍️ IOLCP is having 30% World Mkt Share of Ibuprofen
✍️ 1 Ibuprofen manufacturer which has 15% world Mkt Share is in Hubei province & it is in complete shutdown due to coronavirus outbreak
✍️ Ibuprofen demand increased due to Supply Constraint
✍️ Co. is having 6 months Inventory Image
✍️ IOLCP is a leader in India for #Ibuprofen.
✍️ Two cos in India which manufacture Ibuprofen (#IOLCP & #Solara)
✍️ Co is not increasing Ibuprofen prices in Indian Mkt
✍️ Co has already started getting Ibuprofen orders at $18
✍️ Currently Ibuprofen capacity utilization is 80% Image
Read 9 tweets

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