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Aug 18th 2022
(1/9) I’ve seen a lot of op-eds about how awful it is that #CCS was included in the #IRA. Most lack nuance, because they haven’t clocked that the #energytransition isn’t just about the power sector anymore. Sorry #energytwitter. So, a 🧵 on why carbon capture still has a place.
(2/9) First, I get this. I was a huge #CCS skeptic. Two things changed my mind: modelling pathways to #netzero for materials with my @BloombergNEF team, and the #BNEFNEO team's carbon budgets for industry. Sobering work that taught me a lot.
(3/9) Some industries just can’t do without CCS. Process emissions are just as harmful as combustion. And we’re past the point where abatement of emissions is enough. That means removals, which means #DirectAirCapture.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
It's here - @BloombergNEF's 2020 New Energy Outlook. Peak energy emissions, peak oil demand, peak coal demand, 56% wind and solar power in 2050, hydrogen pathways, and $78-130 trillion (with a T) in investment 2020-50. Highlights:… #BNEFNEO THREAD:
1/ @BloombergNEF #BNEFNEO 2020: In our core Economic Transition Scenario, global carbon emissions from energy use drop 8% in 2020 and now appear to have peaked in 2019. Covid subtracted 2.5 years of emissions' we're on track for 3.3 degrees of warming…
2/ @BloombergNEF #BNEFNEO 2020: Emissions from all transport peak in 2033, two years after the road segment, as a result of ongoing growth in aviation and shipping. Building emissions grows at 0.7% year-on-year from 9% of emissions in 2019 to 14% in 2050.…
Read 31 tweets

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