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Aug 30th 2021
As numbers of sealed buildings in #Mumbai have increased over the past few days owing to rising covid cases, the BMC chief IS Chahal in a meeting held on Monday said that sealing of buildings with over five or more positive cases should be strictly done again.
He also instructed to ensure the presence of police personnel outside a sealed building. Over the past few days, at least seven buildings were sealed in the western suburbs which included those from #Kandivali and buildings from #Bandra 's Pali Hill
He said that considering the possibility of a third #covid wave, it is important to curb the spread of the virus and hence once a building with five or more cases is sealed no one will be allowed to enter or exit the building including #drivers and also house helps.
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Apr 25th 2021
All the Oxygen & Bed's available at one place/thread created just now. Amplify and Retweet it to reach more people. All the resources in the comment section below ⬇️ thread is verified and updated frequently.
#oxygen @COVID19_INDIA #Mumbai #beds
Self Verified ambulance service across Mumbai, Pune, Delhi/NCR and Bangalore

HelpNow provides sanitized and well-equipped ambulances with ventilators/oxygen supply, within 15 to 20 minutes across 24x7
Phone: 88 99 88 99 52.
✅ 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝
Hospital Beds - 3 Oxygen Beds Available

Hospital Name: Veena Multi-speciality Hospital
Phone: +918080833354
Location: Andheri East, Mumbai

Last Verified @ 25/04/21, 10:10 AM
Read 85 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
#BMC on Wednesday started demolishing the #Bandra office of #KanganaRanaut for alleged unauthorised modifications/extensions.

Here’s what happened:
#MaharashtraGovt Image
The official cost of #KanganaRanaut’s home in Pali Hill, Bandra, part of it which was demolished by #BMC… Image
Bollywood star #KanganaRanaut has taken #Mumbai by storm.

Her standoff with the Shiv Sena, which is part of the ruling coalition in the state, has led to the #Demolition of a part of her fancy #PaliHill residence by the city's civic body.

Details here:… Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
All right, all. #RheaChakraborty arrived at #EDOffice in #SuvedLohia’s car. So who is this SUVED LOHIA who turned his car into Ola and Uber for Rhea? Let’s find out:
#ArrestRhea #JusticeForSushant Image
#SuvedLohia is close friends with the Morea brothers, seen here with #SantinoMorea. Do not forget that the ppl who killed SSR first came together at #DinoMorea’s bungalow in #Bandra and then went to #MountBlanc. #JusticeForSushant #ArrestRhea Image
#SuvedLohia is a flop actor who is now a restaurateur. Where is he getting money from to open #MumbaiRestaurants like #Mirabella? IT Raid toh banta hai. #SalmanKhan #ArrestRhea #JusticeForSushant Image
Read 9 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
THREAD: Who is IMTIAZ KHATRI? Why is he being protected by #MahaGovt & #UddhavThackeray along with #SoorajPancholi?
#ImtiazKhatri is Sooraj’s best friend. read this thread to find out why he is being protected:
#Warriors4SSR #MahaGovtSoldOut #MahaVikasAghadi
(2/n) #ImtiazKhatri is the son of an influential #Bandra builder who owns F.A. Infrastructure Ltd. This company is rotten to its core and is closely tied to many politicians from the #MahaVikasAghadi. Company details here:
#Warriors4SSR #JusticeForSushant #JusticeForDisha
(3/n) Now get this: FA Infrastructure, through #corruption got 13 contracts in #Konkan region of #Maharashtra. How? They were handpicked by #AjitPawar (DY CM) & #SharadPawar. This happened in 2012 - that’s how old their association is! #MahaVikasAghadi #JusticeForSushant
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May 10th 2020
@amitsurg @CestMoiz @ArvindKejriwal @OfficeofUT @KanchanGupta @NiteshNRane @Dev_Fadnavis @suchetadalal @PMOIndia @drharshvardhan @DrHVoffice @AmitShah @muglikar_ @MandarSawant184 I know . But signs of it getting worse. We have this month before the rains start to pour, to build additional bed capacity, get required Protective equipments and enforce one final stage of lockdown through central forces.
@amitsurg @CestMoiz @ArvindKejriwal @OfficeofUT @KanchanGupta @NiteshNRane @Dev_Fadnavis @suchetadalal @PMOIndia @drharshvardhan @DrHVoffice @AmitShah @muglikar_ @MandarSawant184 Endorsing the mismanagement. Sion hospital dean and BMC commissioner Praveen Pardeshi have been made scapegoats. But is that going to solve the huge issue at hand? With rains and onset of other seasonal flus what will the situation be?
@amitsurg @CestMoiz @OfficeofUT @KanchanGupta @NiteshNRane @Dev_Fadnavis @suchetadalal @PMOIndia @drharshvardhan @DrHVoffice @AmitShah @MandarSawant184 Arey ka vaat lavtay Maharashtrachi 😠😡. Ajun kiti gardi jama karnar lockdown madhye. Aadhich hospital beds kami, tyaat he asa gondhal. What the hell is going on? #BestCMOfTheWorld #MaharashtraPolice #CoronaUpdatesInIndia
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