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On Monday, my friend was murdered in the #CovenantSchool shooting, along with a janitor, 3 children, & a substitute teacher. I was frustrated with Bill Lee’s response, & I said as much.
Let’s review what has happened in the week since. A thread. 1/
@steveharuch reached out, & I told @ThisIsNashville about my friend #KatherineKoonce & how I hoped #Nashville & Tennessee would be led through this darkest of times by @GovBillLee & @MarshaBlackburn, who were in community w/ Katherine & me at #Covenant’s sister school. 2/
5 hours after I told @ThisIsNashville I was stunned by Bill Lee’s lack of repsponse, the Governor posted what I think must have been the most difficult video of his life. He appeared to be remembering @BillHaslam’s advice about a governor being a pastor to the people. 3/
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My father with his friend and ally, #ThichNhatHanh, who died this week. I celebrate and honor Thich Nhat Hanh’s life and global influence for peace.

@nytimes: “A prolific author, poet, teacher and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh was exiled from Vietnam after opposing the war…
…in the 1960s and became a leading voice in a movement he called “engaged Buddhism,” the application of Buddhist principles to political and social reform.” #ThichNhatHanh #MLK #BelovedCommunity
“His connection with the United States began in the early 1960s, when he studied at Princeton University and later lectured at Cornell and Columbia. He influenced the American peace movement, urging the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to oppose the Vietnam War.”
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2022 King Holiday Observance - Beloved Community Commemorative Service…
Learn more and register for Nonviolence365®️ Online:

#MLKDay #MLKDay2022
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A thread of color photos of my father, as we commemorate his 93rd birthday.

#MLK #CorettaScottKing #BelovedCommunity  #MLKDay #ShiftingPriorities
“One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change.”

#MLK #MLKDay #ItStartsWithMe #ShiftingPriorities #BelovedCommunity
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

#ItStartsWithMe #ShiftingPriorities #BelovedCommunity
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Tomorrow, there will be people tweeting about my father and #MLKDay who are complicit in, complacent about and/or a part of cultivating some form of injustice.

That’s to be expected, and not just regarding voting legislation.
There will be people who are complicit in bombing children tweeting.

There will be people who are complacent about poverty tweeting.

There will be people who cultivate the Prison Industrial Complex tweeting.

And so on.
Let’s not get caught up in that tomorrow.

Please take some time to study what my father taught about the Triple Evils of Racism, Militarism, and Poverty (Extreme Materialism).

And what he taught about the Beloved Community and Nonviolence.
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Guess what came yesterday!

I opened the box on my kitchen table next to my family wall, where pictures of ancestors and beloved family remind me who I am every day.

30 yrs of research
4 yrs of writing

#fortunebook @BrazosPress #truthtelling #reparations #belovedcommunity

Fortune: How Race Broke My Family And The World—And How To Repair It All is a gift to the generations before and the generations to come.


I gave first copy to my mother, Sharon Lawrence Harper, an incredible writer in her own right. She’s been my partner in this family research journey and is the one who discovered our likely connection to Fortune Game/Magee.

#FortuneBook @BrazosPress

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A thread of #MLK speeches and sermons in which he speaks truth to power, shares about his philosophy of nonviolence, and expounds on issues of injustice and what our righteous, rigorous response should be. Relevant. Revelatory. Revolutionary. #MLKDay #BelovedCommunity Image
“It's more difficult today because we are struggling now for genuine equality. And it's much easier to integrate a lunch counter than it is to guarantee a livable income and a good solid job.” From ‘The Other America.’ #MLK #MLKDay

“This problem of spiritual and moral lag, which constitutes modern man's chief dilemma, expresses itself in three larger problems which grow out of man's ethical infantilism.” From #MLK’s Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, ‘The Quest for Peace and Justice’ #MLKDay
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A thread of Dr. King in color, as we commemorate his 92nd birthday.

#MLK #CorettaScottKing #BelovedCommunity #MLKDay
“One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change.” #MLK #MLKDay #BelovedCommunity
“I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos, without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government.” #MLK #MLKDay #BelovedCommunity
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I find President Trump’s use of my father’s image in his political ad beyond insulting and not reflective of #MLK’s commitment to creating the #BelovedCommunity. My father should not be used in ways strongly misaligned with his vision and values, @realDonaldTrump. (1/3)
My father was working for an America with leaders who have answered the call to conscience and compassionate action. He said, “We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice. Not in love with publicity but in love with humanity...” (2/3)
“...Leaders who can subject their particular egos to the pressing urgencies of the great cause of freedom…a time like this demands great leaders.”

America needs this type of leader NOW. #VoteAmerica #SkeeWee #BreonnaTaylor #BelovedCommunity #FierceUrgencyOfNow (3/3)
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In some circles, the term "Christ" seems to function as a code word for white nationalism disguised as Christianity. To genuinely confess Jesus as messiah is to insist that his politics, his way of being in the world, goes. That his teachings are rightly pursued as normative.
Otherwise, "Christ" is a secret handshake b/w bigots, b/w those in the know concerning "our faith," "our values," as Bill Barr & @VP & @SecondLady might put it. This "Christ" has nothing to say on the extrajudicial killing of black people & the devastation of the natural world.
When someone claims to know "Christ" (or imply that someone else doesn't), is it a reference to the #BelovedCommunity of Jesus and the prophets or a handy bit of #FaithLaundering for our military industrial entertainment incarceration complex?
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Serious thanks for this question. I'll attempt a thread. #WhiteSupremacistAntichristPoltergeist is a handy way of naming a spirit that gets hold of people. As a Tennessean who attended a segregationist academy for twelve years, I know feelingly that it's had hold of me.
Calling it a spirit helps me have compassion on myself and others while also acknowledging that I've often been complicit in a system that's often served the ends of white supremacist terror. My blindness to it doesn't change the fact of it. WSAP is real AND ridiculous.
This statue (a white supremacist terror idol) has been worthy of ridicule my whole life long. Have I ridiculed it at any point in my fifty years in Nashville? No. I'd never done the research. It's been an abomination all along. Yesterday, it came down.
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This is a critical moment in history that requires our collective attention to the soul of this nation and to the moral fiber of the world. This year’s #MLK91 theme reflects the urgency with which we must be attentive... Image
...and with which we must seize the opportunity to choose our existence, instead of our co-annihilation. In the midst of injustice and inhumanity, the hope of the #BelovedCommunity remains.
We can and we must build the Beloved Community, with nonviolence as our toolbox and love as our foundation. #MLK91 #BelovedCommunity #FierceUrgencyOfNow
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I was asked today about the #BelovedCommunity. Here is what I shared in 2 parts, including my comments about responding to the POTUS. Hate is a great burden to bear. We can work for justice and true peace without jeopardizing our souls. Love is soul-efficient fuel. #MLK91
Further, I was in no way expressing agreement with rhetoric or policies, but conveying what I believe to be the most healthy way to engage. #MLK91 #BelovedCommunity #FierceUrgencyOfNow
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Recently and in support of @TheKingCenter’s mission of building a more peaceful, just and humane world, Sheryl Sandberg and I have engaged in discussions about #Facebook’s responsibility to protect civil rights and prevent the spread of misinformation.
Yesterday, I was honored to share with Facebook staff about what I’ve learned from my parents & how I believe my father’s last book, ‘Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?’, provides us with wisdom on how not to destroy ourselves with the “misuse of our own instruments.”
It is critical that we pay attention. I remain hopeful that we will build the #BelovedCommunity. It is with this hope that I engage people from all spheres of influence & with which I will continue conversations with the @facebook team, including founder & CEO, #MarkZuckerberg.
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