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Mar 12th 2020
This is why I am feeling so defeated. I promised my friend I wouldn't stop fighting until #M4ALL was a reality.

Robin was a very dear friend of mine. I met her at one of my first protests and her eyes lit up when she noticed my "BERNIE: because fuck this shit" button. 1/12
She was stuck with me. Robin served as the Delaware County Iowa Dem Chair and was very politically active in Iowa. She was a 2016 Bernie state delegate. We attended many rallies, protests and events together and she was always just so thoughtful, composed and passionate. 2/12
She was in a viral video a few years ago when she confronted Sen. Grassley for voting to repeal pre-existing conditions protections. She then appeared on Lawrence O'Donnell to speak about her confrontation and activism. MY GIRL!! She was my activism mentor. 3/12
Read 14 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
You #resist and #votebluenomatter who folks seem to have some misconceptions about who we are and what we intend when we say #writeinbernie and #demexit2020.
"But what about Russia?"

No, you're a neo-McCarthyist who watched too much cable news and fell down the rabbit hole.

#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
"But what about kids in cages?"

Gitmo's still open, and we still render, torture, and drone strike people. Those million Iraqis aren't coming back from the dead. We see you not giving a shit about that.

#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
Read 13 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
Deflating morale after scoring a win is a tactic to win more in the future, and we must rise above that.

Coaches and generals know you can lose a battle, but win a war, be losing at halftime, but win the game.

And this happens in politics too. Clinton was winning early in 2008 but did Obama buy into losing or did he claim underdog momentum?

Trump (a sad example) was heavily down in polling to Clinton in 2016 but he quit or did he push forward?

So yes we’re down but it’s not over. Yes we’d prefer to be doing better at this point but frankly it’s amazing that Sanders is doing this well.

We decide where we go from here.

Individually we decide our own level of action.

This is a gut check for us.

Read 10 tweets

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