No, you're a neo-McCarthyist who watched too much cable news and fell down the rabbit hole.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
Gitmo's still open, and we still render, torture, and drone strike people. Those million Iraqis aren't coming back from the dead. We see you not giving a shit about that.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
What about it? We saw Obama appoint Garland, his jurisprudence is shit and Biden won't be nominating anyone better. If he can get anyone through the Senate who isn't a Kavanaugh.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
He's a mediocre GOP president doing mediocre GOP president shit, who shitposts on Twitter which is what this is really about and not policy.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
What about it? Biden voted for the repeal of Glass-Steagall. He also voted for the bankruptcy bill, crime bill, welfare bill, DMCA, and telecoms act. No credibility, no moral authority.
#writeinbernie #demexit2020
The time for that was four years ago, and you blew it not realizing that was your last and only shot. You chose to side with the donor class, those votes are never coming back.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
You deal with the consequences of four decades' of ignorance, hubris, incompetence, stubbornness, and abject refusal to look the truth in the eye when pointed out to you.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
You didn't listen when people told you, you insulted when people warned you, and you stampeded ahead without noticing you were charging off a cliff. Figure it out yourself.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020
Yup. You have no trust, no credibility, no faith, no leverage, and no reason for us to come to the table. We, on the other hand, have absolutely nothing to offer and nothing to lose. Better luck never.
#demexit2020 #WriteinBernie
If you're a pundit, party apparatchik, lobbyist, bundler, party counsel, advisor, think tank clown, or neoliberal elected official, what we want is you out of a job.
You can't keep your job without our vote.
You do the math.
#writeinbernie #DemExit2020 #BernieWarriors