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Overworked and lonely businessman Shen Jiu finds an injured homeless teenager passed out in front of his apartment building one rainy evening... though SJ just wants to call an ambulance and get the punk out of his hair, the boy wakes up and begs not to be sent away...
And so SJ grudgingly takes him inside and fixes him up and agrees to let him crash on his couch... for one night 😾

(Little does he realise though...)

Binghe, as the brat's called, ends up staying with SJ indefinitely.
The kid is clearly a runaway or something like that, and whatever's going on with his own past he clearly has no desire to return to it nor try and make it on the streets again.
Read 81 tweets

Shen Jiu had never slept in such a soft bed before.

For a while he luxuriated in the sheer comfort of it all, halfway between wakefulness and dreams, his face buried in a silk-soft pillow and the warm duvet over his thin body that felt so much like an embrace.
"You say we're married," SJ said. "But why do you keep calling me Shizun then?"

LBH grinned. "Because you were my teacher before we got married."

"What?" SJ sucked his breath in horror. "That's - who would do that! How would I have agreed to marry you then?!"
"Probably because I seduced you?" LBH said, and laughed when SJ blanched.
Read 97 tweets

Luo Binghe had just stepped under the threshold when he heard the sound of clinking porcelain from the kitchen, then the wok sizzling and frying something.
That the kitchen was being used at all this time of day was alarming, and he quickly made his way to the side room with a basket heavy with fresh pork and spices he had just bought from the village market.
And there. Standing in front of the wok with his back turned to Binghe stood a thin and frail figure, a pair of cooking chopsticks in one hand, the other gripping the edge of the brick stove the wok was built into for support... and his walking cane propped up next to the door.
Read 124 tweets
#bingjiu cw nonconsensual body mod
a/b/o where at the trial the palace master convinces luo binghe to use one of the more traditional punishments for lecherous alphas which is castration. obviously this is not performed publicly but binghe wants to be there when it happens
he watches as his shizun who was quiet and haughty at the trial struggles against the healers who have to undress him. where previously he was almost catatonic now he is livid, despite being in immortal suppressing ropes, he is struggling to get away, biting and gnashing teeth
almost like a rabid animal... one of the healers slaps him after getting bitten, the sound of the slap loud and there's blood and a red mark on his face when he turns.
"luo binghe you disgusting thankless swine" sj hisses and keeps trying to struggle away as his robes are opened
Read 74 tweets
#bingjiu with stepmom SJ vibes here we go! More of a TLJ protag story though lmao.

Anyway, an AU where Tianlang-jun proves a little hardier than in canon and manages to escape the attack on Bailu Mountain.
As he flees, exhausted and weakened, he runs into Su Xiyan in her dying moments and the lovers are able to reconcile and be together for a brief moment once more. TLJ attempts to give SXY his blood to preserve her, but she's already too close to death for it to work.
All TLJ can do is vow vengeance on the jianghu and the Old Palace Master for SXY's sake, and he buries his wife and takes their infant son back to the Demon Realm to recover and plan his revenge.
Read 107 tweets

Luo Binghe had been captivated by his Shizun's scent since he'd been a boy.
From the first day he'd met the jade immortal Shen Qingqiu carried the scent of jasmine flowers, delicate and light and subtle, as if he had _just_ been tending to the plant
and a petal latched onto him here and there, in the folds of his silken robes and in between strands of black hair.
Read 52 tweets
💖 #OmegaShenJiuWeek2023 💖
#bingjiu with the prompt forced knotting
cw: noncon/dubcon, weird papapa flowers, implied somnophilia at the end
lbh had been sent to fetch shizun from the brothel. well - it hadn't exactly been phrased that way but he was sent to fetch him from the /town/ and everybody knew what places shizun frequented there.
the other disciples were too scared of shizun to even consider disturbing him in such a situation and as such left it up to lbh who had blessedly still remained unpresented even now at his 18th year of age.
Read 31 tweets
huhuhu what if #bingjiu world switching where pidw's lbg switches places with lbh from a world where he is sj's shizun... shizun!binghe is very protective and obsessive about his dearest disciple (turned wife) and he's not gonna be happy finding stickjiu
very confused pidw!sj when an older looking lbh finds him and takes care of him, making sure to nurse him back to health, always calling him a-jiu and never shrinking back or getting angry at any insult or biting remark. meanwhile in the other world, pidw!lbh finds
a young looking sj taking a bath in their shared house. when he sees lbh he just commands him to come wash his hair. lbh is like a child being shown the taste of candy for the first time, enjoying this playful and spoiled sj from a different world.
Read 5 tweets
#bingjiu, Maleficent AU Part VI:

"Your Highness, it's such a nice day out, won't you come and enjoy it with us?"
Binghe had been on his way back from sword practice when he was accosted by a beautiful young noblewoman and her cohort of giggling beauties, all giving him curious smiles from behind their fans, their gloves - to which he just shook his head and walked past without a word.
Such rejoinders had become common as he grew, studied and trained and grew into his body and the inheritance he would one day accept.
Read 179 tweets
#bingjiu, nsfw

The Red Warm Pavilion was in an uproar when Shen Jiu returned from the pharmacy with everyone's medicine. The first floor was a chaotic mess with blood on the floors and costly vases smashed, the lush red drapes torn to shreds.
The blood drained from his face and he ran over to one of his jiejies. "What happened," he demanded. "Is everyone safe?"

"We - we're all fine, A'Jiu," she said, shaken but refusing to look at him.

SJ frowned. "Jiejie, please. Tell me who it is, and I'll - "
"You can't!" she cried out, clutching onto his sleeve. "A'Jiu, just forget it. Nothing happened."

As if SJ could pretend that nothing had just _happened._
Read 82 tweets
#BingJiu Crimen, venganza quizá (?)

LBH es un ladrón que ha pasado de jalar carteras en la calle a hacer phishing, lo que le da el dinero suficiente para tener un apartamento modesto.

El primer día pasa a presentarse con su vecino —podrá ser ladrón pero tiene modales, eh—
y es atendido por un sexy SJ en un short diminuto y camiseta holgada, que lo mira con descaro y picardia.

Si aquella imagen no bastara para soñar un poco, en la noche puede escuchar los dulces gemidos de su vecino mientras algún bastardo se lo coge.
A la mañana siguiente, encuentra a SJ, con una expresión exhausta, fumando en el balcón.

Detrás de la cortina de cabello oscuro LBH alcanza a apreciar algunas marcas de besos y mordidas que le hacen sentir algo de escozor,
Read 20 tweets
#liujiu/#bingjiu, yandere LQG AU part IV:

Liu Yuan is nine years old, and he doesn't remember the last time he saw his mother.
Well, that's not quite true. It's not as if they _never_ see each other, not when LY is being raised by his grandparents at the grand Liu estate until he can join his father at Bai Zhan Peak.
A'Niang lives at the estate too, just in his own private courtyard far from the rest of the family, and never steps out from beneath his threshold. As far as LY knows, A'Niang's always been sickly and prone to delusion.
Read 341 tweets
Historical AU #bingjiu where warlord Bingge is able to conquer the empire of Cang Qiong because Emperor Yue's advisors betrayed him and sold him out.
After entering the palace and making himself home, Binghe inquires after the Cold Palace, since rumour has it it still has a sole inhabitant; unlike other rulers, Emperor Yue only had a single consort, his Empress, who was locked up there when the man was deposed.
The once-traitorous advisors warn Binghe to be careful and to simply execute the former Empress once he sees him, since he was a duplicitious and untrustworthy snake with a shady background, one who always despised them.
Read 20 tweets
Idea #BingJiu soft (?) O tal vez toxic (?)

LBH siendo becado en una escuela prestigiosa de solo niños pero su padrino resulta ser un idiota que se olvidó de sus gastos alimentarios asi que nunca lleva meriendas ni puede comprarlas.
No le dice nada sobre eso a su madre, pues está enferma y no quiere preocuparla de más. Así que los primeros días solo se sienta en un rincón a ignorar su pequeño estómago rugiendo.

No pasa mucho tiempo hasta que los demás chicos se dan cuentan y le hacen bullying.
Y LBH, qué confiaba en su profesor de aula SJ, es ignorado por este y no interviene nunca en las burlas que recibe.

Días después, escondido bajo un árbol del bloque más lejano al patio, ¡Una bolsa cae y golpea su cabeza!
Read 18 tweets
🔞 #bingjiu royalty ageswap au

it is not the empress nor one of the dozens of concubines that emperor luo binghe favors the most

no, because out of all these beauties and nobles, none of them can warm the heart — nor the cock — of the emperor like the young servant shen jiu can
emperor luo may be seen in court with the empress or walking along the palace with one of the concubines but behind him, there will always be one person who will never stray far from the emperor — trailing closely behind, is the lithe frame of shen jiu
because wherever luo binghe goes, shen jiu follows

some of the other servants would even joke that even the eunuchs aren’t as loyal as him, as if he was bound to the emperor with an invisible chain
Read 11 tweets
#bingjiu au // implied mpreg

where prince binghe will do everything it takes to have empress shen jiu all for himself — even if it means killing the emperor, his father
prince binghe is the son of one of the concubines who died early in his childhood. although binghe had a wet nurse, the young empress shen jiu then had felt inclined to look after the only orphan in the harem, having no children himself
although shen jiu wasn’t the warmest person, his depth attention and rare approvals to luo binghe had quickly become the young prince’s object of admiration

an admiration that quickly turned into obsessive affection
Read 17 tweets
#bingjiu divorce AU extra:

"What are you thinking about now, gege?"

Those soft words whispered into his ear woke Shen Jiu back to the land of the living. He must have drifted off somehow in the car, his hand clasped tight in Binghe's.
"Nothing in particular," he said, but the hopeful look in Binghe's eyes made him stall.

"What," SJ said dryly. "What could you possibly want to hear from me now."

His husband brought his hand up to his lips, kissing his fingers as tenderly as if they were made of jade.
"Everything," he said reverently. "I want to know everything about you."

Some things truly never changed... his husband's undying fascination with him being one, and SJ's heart threatening to burst out of his chest in response the other.
Read 68 tweets
#bingjiu au where empress shen jiu would often kiss the heavenly demon sigil on their children. he loves the way the crimson mark would flare as each child giggle after he leaves a kiss. they would line up and wait, sometimes emperor luo binghe would also be at the end of it
patiently waiting for his turn with his arms crossed against his chest, a delighted smile on his lips

some children would clamber up to him, wanting to be carried in their father’s arms so by the time it’s his moment to get a kiss, he has two or more kids hanging on him
the kids would look at them with teasing eyes, chanting, “kiss! kiss! kiss!”

causing the empress to blush and hide behind his jade fan, glaring petulantly at luo binghe. the emperor would lean down and shen jiu has to hastily press his lips on his husband’s forehead
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#bingjiu au

servant shen jiu accompanies young lady qiu haitang to emperor luo binghe’s bride selection only for the emperor to completely ignore all the young ladies and young masters of noble houses presented before him and declare

“i want him” while pointing at shen jiu
all his life, shen jiu never got the chance to taste luxury despite the fact that he was always surrounded by the riches of the qius — eyes always cast down, never staying too long on the pieces of jewelry and satins he’d help qiu haitang with
his life was the only thing he owns and he’d long since learned to never covet beyond what meager things he had under the cruel hands of qiu jianluo
Read 14 tweets
#bingjiu, Maleficent AU Part V:

On the little fool's sixteenth birthday, he asked Shen Jiu for a boon.

The witch was lost at his audacity. Had his years of growing soft towards the boy made him think he could demand just about anything now from the wicked witch of the forest?
"And what do I get from you in turn?" SJ asked instead of his first option, which was to hex the little fool into a frog for a day and watch him hop around in a desperate bid to be turned back.
"Your lifelong servitude? Your firstborn? An eternal vow that you and yours will never turn blade nor wit against me for as long as your line lives?"

"All that and more," Luo Binghe said without skipping a beat, eyes shining as he gazed up at SJ without a hint of guile.
Read 125 tweets
#BingJiu | boypussy | sexsomnia

El plan perfecto de LBH para ese día era simple: iría a la casa de Shen Yuan, su vecino, para retarlo en un juego y luego, en la noche, inventaría cualquier excusa para que le dejase dormir con él.

Desde ya podía saborear la victoria.
Shen Yuan no solo era amable, también caía muy fácil en sus miradas de cachorro lastimero.

Debajo de ese cachorro miserable había un perro en celo que esperaba subirse sobre A-Yuan en la madrugada, pero eso era algo que su mayor no tenía que saber aún.
Sin embargo, un balde de agua fría bañó a su animal interior cuando escuchó la voz despreocupada de SY decirle —Ah Binghe, bien, puedes quedarte, pero en la habitación de mi ge porque, cómo verás, mi dormitorio es pequeño para los dos.
Read 55 tweets
Modern #BingJiu AU where SJ never cared for New Years Eve, since he never got to celebrate it anyway.
Back in the illegal "orphanage" they did not celebrate, so all he and his Qi-Ge ever did during that night was to sit at the window and watch firework going off in the distance, making wishes for the next year to come.
When he then was living with the Qiu family there always was a big party during NYE, however he always got locked away in the garden shed to be out of the way. So he only watched the firework from the small window the shed had, hoping that next year Qi-Ge will come for him.
Read 9 tweets
There is so much SJ discourse going around again
So time to have some fun again
Let us all show our appreciation for our one and only ruler, #ShenJiu 👑🎋
So drop all of your Emperor/Empress!SJ HCs here, from cute 💕 to spicy 🫦
Despite being the ruler SJ does most things on his own still, because he doesn't like being fussed over like some "spoiled lazy bum"
Read 8 tweets
//cw: dream non-con, conditioning

🔞 #BingJiu AU where BG, once he mastered the dreamscape enough, goes into SJ's dreams at night and fucks him in his dream, turning him into moaning and wanton mess.
SJ finds himself horrified when he wakes up in the morning, his sleep robes and thighs covered in his own cum after he orgasmed in his sleep by having a sex dream of his own disciple and the little beast at that 😨
However since SJ has no idea about BG's dreamscape powers, he can't really blame him or anything. For all SJ knows, he genuinely had a normal sex dream of BG and orgasmed in his sleep from it 😱
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