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Apr 29th 2021
Black maternal health week has been declared between April 11-17th and is a serious and extremely sad truth regarding black mothers deaths, their pregnancy issues and accessibility #njcurj
Black moms are in a crisis. They are dying at 3-4 TIMES the rate of their white counterparts from pregnancy related issues. That’s just the beginning issue #blackmamasmatter
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approximately 700 women die each year in the US as a result of pregnancy or delivery complications. Yet, black women are the most affected w/ a mortality rate of 37.1 deaths per 100,000 live births #njcurj
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Apr 12th 2021
Year after year, the data on maternal health outcomes tell a similar story: Rates of pregnancy-related mortality in the US are among the worst of high-income countries, and are more than 3x higher among Black women than among white women. #BMHW21…
At their root, these disparities result from systemic racism and discrimination & reflect broader societal inequities. They have also been magnified during the #COVID19 pandemic. Policymakers and medical institutions must acknowledge this reality & take action. #BlackMamasMatter
Improving the quality of #maternalhealth care & ensuring full access to it is critical to addressing these unacceptable outcomes. Many US states are working to do this by establishing committees to investigate maternal deaths & by expanding maternal health services. #BMHW21
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Jan 9th 2021
I know a lot of pregnant women and people of color are nervous about getting the #CovidVaccine. I am 32 weeks and 1 day today and just received the @pfizer vaccine. I feel like #ThisIsOurShot to protect us and our babies. I am a #PowerMom and will post how I feel how I react so Image
You can follow along and hopefully this gives others peace of mind. You don’t want to be pregnant and get Covid. Trust that I will be honest with you as we go on this journey together. #BlackMamasMatter #BlackMaternalHealth Image
#ThisIsOurShot Update after my first dose of the @pfizer #COVIDVaccination. Did great overall. Arm soreness started about an hour after; no worse than from a flu shot. I will tell you though for my fellow #PowerMom who are still working and or have other kids
Read 4 tweets
Nov 17th 2019
Thank you all for your love and kindness. It is encouraging even as I am resolved and aware that I will lose my employment long before Ubuntu is close to being financially solvent as a source of billable healthcare and is now mostly a place of succor for the vulnerable families
A place they can come to just know they are heard & loved. A place where they are empowered to be whole and well. A place of community. I am who I am because of the women in that community that loved, nurtured and raised me.
But know this. There are only 2 ways that the medical establishment can be a place of safety for Black mothers and babies. And neither Medicare for All, artificial technology nor all the research will fix it.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 10th 2018
Congress has introduced 20 different bills this session to address maternal mortality. However, these bills do not sufficiently address a fundament problem: racism, not race, is a key contributor disparities in maternal mortality. 1/
And after almost two decades as a practice obstetrician, I have come to appreciate that as a health care provider, I am complicit: I practice in a system that is designed to deliver unequal care. 2/
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