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Jun 6th 2021
Let’s be clear.

#Hustle culture is just #capitalism repackaged to be acceptable to Millennials.

2/ The current set of power elites are trying to sell us the idea that if we just work ourselves to DEATH until we’re 65, then we will have finally “earned” the right to rest and happiness.


We are all worthy of those things TODAY.

Especially Black women.
3/ Capitalism can only exist as long as it has a pool of people it can extract labor and talent from.

Racism & sexism are systems that create a consistent pool of dehumanized labor to exploit without raising alarm.

Therefore, Racism, Sexism & Capitalism are inextricably linked.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 18th 2021
From 2015-2017, Black women were 5x more likely to die in pregnancy & childbirth.

Tomorrow Parliament will debate the petition we started to try and change this - signed by 187,519 people.

What do we want from MPs? THREAD #BlackMaternalHealthDebate…
According to the latest MMBRACE #MaternalHealth figures:

Black women are 4x more likely to die in pregnancy & childbirth.

Mixed heritage women are 3x more likely to die in pregnancy & childbirth.

Asian women are 2x more likely to die in pregnancy & childbirth.
UK maternity care is rife with unequal health outcomes.

We want decision makers to acknowledge the disparities between Black women and their white counterparts in their experiences of pregnancy and childbirth within the NHS and commit to closing these gaps #protectblackwomen
Read 10 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
1/ With the epidemic of Medical Establishment-induced hemorrhaging of Black physicians, particularly, Black Women, from academic & clinical medicine, what better time than Black History Month for the entire establishment to turn the mirror on itself & ask the question:
2/ “Why are we like this?”
3/ I’m talking the same degree of root cause analyses conducted on a case of Catheter Associated UTI or Hospital Acquired decubitus ulcer. A thorough internal and external investigation to why the system is chewing and spitting out Black women physicians needs to be conducted .
Read 17 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
(1/x) Last night the #MedPeds21 group chat was rocked with news of a sudden change in program leadership for the MedPeds residency at Tulane University. Dr. Dennar, the first Black female program director at Tulane, was no longer PD.
(2/x) This morning we were devastated to find that this unfair termination was a direct result of racism. I will include some screenshots of the court case for the lawsuit that Dr. Dennar filed against Tulane for reference.
(3/x) Told that Tulane did not want to change the face of medicine in fear of losing white applicants. Image
Read 20 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
There is still only ONE black woman anchoring a show on @MSNBC.

Even though the great @JoyAnnReid brings the NEEDED perspective of black women in this important time in our country, she shouldn’t have to do it alone.

@TiffanyDCross has EARNED an anchor spot.

RT if you agree.
Dear Mr. @cesarconde_ , please give @TiffanyDCross the anchor chair she deserves. ❤️
Anyone who frequents my page KNOWS that I advocate for any & EVERY amazing person I know or know of ❤️...

But THIS thread is about the more than worthy @TiffanyDCross, alone.

I’m giving her HER flowers. If you’d like to join me, please do.

cc: @MSNBC & @cesarconde_
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Aug 20th 2020
1/12 An open letter to The Christian Left, a “progressive online ministry” that is inflicting organized white violence against Lace Watkins, a long-time follower of @TheChristianLft and renowned Black Christian #activist #shareblackstories
2/12 Her transgression? Being a Black Christian woman who dared to question the white male co-founders of The Christian Left for profiteering off the death of Congressman #JohnLewis by appropriating his legacy of #goodtrouble.
3/12 The Christian Left refuses to #listentoblackwomen. They ban Lace and erase all of her comments. They silence anyone who kindly invites them to consider how their behavior is at odds with their stated values, which they call "concern trolling" rather than #goodtrouble.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
Listen, Pete has my vote. Thats not gna change bc imo he’s the most strategically sound choice to beat Trump, he can help unify us & he has systemic plans to uplift vulnerable communities and get us results. He has bold ideas, skill, heart, exp of being an other & I trust him. 1/
I started to take Pete seriously when I saw a Black woman in South Bend vouch for him and say it was his housing program that helped her pay closing costs on her first home, she wouldnt hv become a homeowner w/o her mayor’s help. That story was powerful! As a Blk woman & first 2/
time homeowner myself, her story spoke to me. I started follown her & her sister, & learned abt work Pete did w/comms of color in SB (comm policing, civilian oversight, youth programs, justice task force) to earn trust & revive his dying city n2 a place they are proud of again 3/
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Oct 3rd 2019
Thread: #Kamala's historic campaign as only the 3rd Black woman to seek a major party nom (1st as top tier) isn't being met with the professionalism/culturally competent coverage it deserves. #RepresentationMatters so let these Black women reflect HOW it's done right. #Kamala2020
The media is often more interested in the horsesrace vs educating the public on a candidate. The GOLD STANDARD on researching/original substantive reporting is set by @juliacraven with a deep dive into #Kamala's Black maternal health work.…
We know that horsesrace coverage comes with the territory, however @emarvelous showed how to balance discussing the state of the race with providing space for rebuttal from #Kamala/supporters & providing perspective (i.e. acknowledging smear campaigns).…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
Been following the shit show that is Virginia leadership and just realized that the woman accusing Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax is a former political science professor of mine—Dr. Vanessa Tyson. AND WOW.
Right now, the Lt. Gov. is denying Professor Tyson’s accusation and some sources are even reporting that the Lt. Gov. recently said, “Fuck that bitch” in a meeting in response to the allegations, though Fairfax denies saying these words.
I am here to say that I wholeheartedly believe Professor Tyson. @VanessaCTyson #IBelieveVanessa #MeToo #ListenToBlackWomen
Read 18 tweets
Dec 10th 2018
Congress has introduced 20 different bills this session to address maternal mortality. However, these bills do not sufficiently address a fundament problem: racism, not race, is a key contributor disparities in maternal mortality. 1/
And after almost two decades as a practice obstetrician, I have come to appreciate that as a health care provider, I am complicit: I practice in a system that is designed to deliver unequal care. 2/
Read 11 tweets
Sep 27th 2018
I lived in #Egypt when Anita Hill testified in 1991. Being in the US as Christine Blasey Ford is testifying is making obvious what I’ve been thinking since we first heard from CBF. And this is going to be another of my threads about white American women.
I have to wonder # how many white American women in 1991 were able to distance themselves from Anita Hill because she is Black? Because now the woman testifying is white and blonde. And that is an essential Q to my threads: where have white women been all this time?
Because if you are just now horrified at the way patriarchy enables and protects sexual predators, what America have you been living in? Because white, rich patriarchy has enabled and protected sexual violence against Black women for centuries.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
We’re at the SRO (school resource officer) review committee meeting. The committee meeting Monday was cancelled. Superintendent & FCPD Chief Roessler rejected the proposal to edit line by line & are presenting a new draft of the Memorandum of Understanding they edited themselves.
@nakasec already told us almost all of their comments/edits were rejected in this draft. Other committee members are frustrated that they’ve participated in this show but weren’t really listened to in the process. It’s a sham they call this community engagement. #NoCopsInSchools
Shirley Ginwright thanks committee members for their 52 pages of comments and edits. Says this meeting will be a walkthrough of the entire draft and then they will hear comments at the end of the meeting. #NoCopsInSchools
Read 30 tweets
Oct 10th 2017
Today at 3pm PST/6pm EST social media/phone storm @ Marin. Protest at 645pm.
#ThomasAndSally #EndItNow
Event page:…
"Long days on the plantation. Slaves worked from sunup to sundown 6 days a wk.No such thing as a good slave owner”
#ThomasAndSally #EndItNow
#ThomasAndSally has a line in it where Thomas says to Ben Franklin "I don't beat them [his slaves]."
Read 67 tweets

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