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Feb 26th 2019
Today the #CEDAW committee holds its constructive dialogue with the UK government. We asked our From Global to Local programme participants about their key issues and hopes for the review. #CEDAW72
Elysia McCaffrey of @WomenEqualities assures the committee that the UK government will continue to strive to meet its commitments under #CEDAW, and says it has taken a gender mainstreaming approach to its implementation. #CEDAW72
Elysia McCaffrey of @WomenEqualities: UK has strong human rights policy enshrined in the constitution, and its devolution policy is empowering. #CEDAW #CEDAW72
Read 169 tweets
Feb 26th 2019
Good morning from the .@UN 👋 We had an excellent day yesterday preparing for submissions to the CEDAW Committee and today we are back attending #CEDAW72 as the UK government will be appearing before the Committee to answer questions!
We have started now and the UK government is making its 30 minute opening statement. The #metoo movement has already been mentioned! #CEDAW72
The government delegation are highlighting the steps they have taken to promote equality, such as: doubled entitlement of free childcare; committed to assisting individuals have taken time out for caring to return to work; addressing gender pay gap. #CEDAW72
Read 24 tweets

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