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Feb 3rd 2021
A story can be the most compelling way to get people to engage with marketing.

Here are some lessons I've learned over the years
Don't just give facts. Tell a story fueled by facts to get your point across.
- @perryhewitt
The story is about the customer. your #brand is just a plot point in their story.
- @BuddyScalera
Read 33 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
Hey @jkkalinowski, with the #CMWorld events going virtual I thought you might be interested in a few articles written by our friend @dshiao.

The first is about using kits to increase #virtualevents awareness and make them more engaging.…
Since I know that #sustainability is important to you (I'm still bummed I missed your #CMWorld presentation/walk), the @dshiao article on sustainable #packaging tips might be useful - or at least interesting.…
Lastly, here's some #packaging eye candy provided by @PremierPress that might generate some ideas. Applications include #influencermarketing, product launch seeding kits, sales kits, college commencement, and welcome kits, and #virtualevents.… Image
Read 3 tweets

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