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Thread: 1/x #COVID19Washington Story from someone I know personally, [ I know the teacher. ] a gut-wrenching story from Washington State:

“Here is our story. My father who is blind and non ambulatory was at a nursing home in Issaquah,WA.
Thread: 2/x #COVID19Washington

We were notified he had no symptoms, but residents have tested positive and one person had died. I asked why everyone was not being tested and they stated only those with symptoms of corona would be tested because test are not available. #COVID19
3/x #COVID19Washington #COVID19

After Thursday I recieved a call that an out break occured again and they tested my father along with everyone at the nursing home due to a change in protocol. #COVID19
Read 19 tweets
Nexstrain updated with 5 #SARSCoV2 genomes from #COVID19 pandemic from Japan, China and Canada bringing global total to 134.

Thread below

@turnbolt11 @BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @sc_lorraine @RMachArts
@turnbolt11 @BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @sc_lorraine @RMachArts Team at the @seattleflustudy have sequenced the genome the #COVID19 community case reported yesterday from Snohomish County, WA, and have posted the sequence publicly to There are some enormous implications here.

H/T @Deannemh
@turnbolt11 @BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @sc_lorraine @RMachArts @seattleflustudy @Deannemh Or you can read the thread here @trvrb if you prefer not to read via threadreader... which I do. 😉

Washington state genome sequencing.

#Covid_19 #Covid19usa #COVID19Washington

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