Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #CardanoVasil

Most recents (3)

Sep 23rd 2022
1/12 #Cardanovasil phase one is done! Do you want to know what's next?

Here's what it means for #Cardano!

A thread by @esatoshiclub! 🧵
2/16 First of all, let's all take a moment and congratulate both @IOHK_Charles and @Cardano on this historic performance.

The #cryptocommunity is with you!
3/16 Now, to the business.

What's all this buzz on the new #Cardanovasil? Well, it's literally the biggest and most important #crypto event this year but #EthereumMerge.

Now, we're sure you all know that. Let's get to some insides and interesting facts on this upgrade.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
Por qué el Valor-Total-Bloqueado es una métrica sin sentido que te hará pobre.

- Hora del hilo 🧵-

#cardano #ada $ada #CardanoVasil
1/ Introducción

Este mes, dos hermanos desarrolladores de Solana admitieron haber fingido ser 11 desarrolladores diferentes, que crearon Dapps que representaban $7.500 millones en valor.

¿El truco? Todo era falso. Cada dólar fue contado Varias veces.…
2/ Crisis de identidad

Esto hizo que muchos se preguntaran si las métricas de inversión comúnmente utilizadas son manipulables. El principal de ellos es el Valor Total Bloqueado (TVL), considerado clave para encontrar protocolos valiosos en el espacio DeFi

¿Tiene valor el TVL?
Read 23 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
Why Total-Value-Locked is a nonsense metric that will make you poor.

- Thread Time 🧵-

#cardano #ada $ada #CardanoVasil
1/ Intro

This month, 2 Solana developer brothers admitted to pretending to be 11 different devs, who jointly created Dapps that accounted for $7.5bn in value.

The catch? It was all fake. Every single dollar was counted SEVERAL times over.…
2/ Identity Crisis

This event made many investors wonder whether commonly used investing metrics are manipulable. Chief among them is Total-Value-Locked (TVL), which many investors thought was the key to finding valuable protocols in the DeFi space

Does TVL have any value?
Read 22 tweets

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