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Oct 5th 2022
Fifth post of the #Wildlife Week #Reintroduction Series.

Day 5 – Return of the #Barasingha to #Satpura #Tiger Reserve !!!

Swamp Deer commonly known as Barasingha have three subspecies, Wetland Barasingha, Hardground Barasingha and Eastern Barasingha.
Once #swamp #deer inhabited areas from Central India to the Godavari river in the south. Currently, they are found in five discrete populations in 3 regions of central, north-east and northern India.
Before the 1950s, the number of Hard ground Barasingha was estimated to be around 3,000 in Banjar Valley of Kanha National Park (KNP). However, by the 1960s the number had dwindled to a meagre 66 due to expansion of #agricultural activities into barasingha habitats...
Read 13 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
True to form as a late lateef, as there are still few mins to go before #WorldOceansDay ends on this earth let me share my pet peeves by replugging old unresolved but doable issues! Bear with me @sherryrehman @hnaqikhan @HqPmsa @IndusEarthTrust @dgprPaknavy @aminattock @dpr_gob
#Pakistan is signatory of #CBD. #Aichi targets mandate declaring 10% of coast as #MarineProtectedArea. Under @mangrovesforfuture a #NationalCoordinatingBody of stakeholders was formed & finally in 2017 #Astola isl. was decl. as the 1st. #MPA… @sherryrehman
In 2018 a workshop was held by @IUCN to develop a management plan for #Astola. Since then..ZILCH! It is 2022. Status in limbo. Is it to be 'low take' or 'no take'? If former, which level of 'take' or activity is permitted. If latter, what alternatives for beneficiaries @dpr_gob ?
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