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Dec 6th 2022
#FreeJ6ersNow #J6PardonOfInnocence

6 December 2022 - Let The Truth Be Known

I've named this image The American Fist Of Freedom. It is my hope that wherever we must be angry, on behalf of freedom, it will be embraced. It is my current image photo here at Twitter for that reason.
2) This fist was created by @pgeerkens back in May 2021, in response to my request for help building such images back then. It was inspired by the work of Gene Sharp, in his epoch making book, From Dictatorship To Democracy.…
3) You might notice that my two friends and compatriots in arms, @tamaraleighllc and @HelpStopHate have embraced this image for their profile pictures too. Let's talk about that. This in no way means we don't have our own identities, we're each iconoclastic souls.
Read 41 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
6 July 2021 #MAGAanalysis

America Within – How We’re Winning Back Our Youth

Who remembers Publius of the Federalist Papers? For us today Publius has always been James Maddison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. Who remembers that Top Paine's anonymous name was "An Englishman?"
2) Why is this important, right now? Anonymity, the right to speak anonymously, is one of the almost forgotten cornerstones of America's most important freedom, the right to free speech. When in danger of repercussion, Americans may speak anonymously.
3) Consider that in reality, Clark Kent is an anonymous identity for Superman, who would never be accepted in his everyday face and required an anonymous cover. So also with Spiderman and Peter Parker. The list goes on. Anonymity is a thing, friends.
Read 21 tweets
May 30th 2021
30 May 2021 #DefeatMcAuliffeNow & #FairfaxForVA

Why Should America Care?

Hapless. We Republicans are a people without a mission right now. We're hapless. What are we fighting for right now? The 2022 Midterms? The 2024 Presidential Election? Obviously they're too far away.
2) We've been purged out of social media, just a few of us still straggling along, but with so little force as to feel like just punching water. The left knows, cut off the head of the snake and the body just writhes and convulses and goes nowhere till the life force is spent.
3) We're still reeling from the stolen election. Hapless, yes, and perhaps as bad or worse, we're feckless. We don't have a feck to give. No mojo. I know you know. But we aren't facing our disease, naming it, and doing something about it.
Read 31 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
18 March 2021 #MAGAanalysis

A Mini-Guide To Social Media Hashtag Power

We begin with our current point of focus. Now watch how I do this!







I hope you're catching the idea!
2) I don't actually know the effectiveness of multiple uses of a hashtag in a single Tweet. It's possible that it helps, but I'm not sure of that. So, why did I do it? In order to illustrate our most important principle:

Concentration Of Force
3) Picture the simple physics of it. Getting hit by a 12-inch softball can really sting, but it has a vastly lower level of risk of damage to you then getting hit by a hard ball. The hard ball is smaller and harder, both. The softball disburses the energy and compresses a bit.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 23rd 2021
23 January 2021 #MAGAanalysis

#TrumpIsStillPresident... Literally.

Friends, the election was stolen. It's not difficult to understand. Einstein prophesied this in 1905.

2) Just in case you did NOT click on the retweet above, here's @chipwagon18's fabulous meme:

3) Hell, we might want to ask people...

So, you're telling me 155,000,000 legal voters voted in 2020, are you? You really believe this, and it's the lawful truth? Uh huh. Tell you what, throw in a bridge to Manhattan and you've got a deal. I'm buying. Oh yeah.
Read 78 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
16 January 2021 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

The Man Who Met Himself

First, I have to again thank @BernadetteMay for the delightful and foretelling new banner photo I stole from her. It is truly profound and hopefully prophetic.
2) To date, Trump has done non-concession concessions. As opposed to "transfer of power" he has used the words "transition to a new administration." He has to my knowledge never used the term "concession," itself, and there has been no concession call to Joe Biden.
3) I suspect that Trump has known about Pence's perfidy and cowardice, his betrayal of his allegiance for a long time. But I also suspect that up until the very moment that Pence certified false electors, Trump still hoped he'd do the right thing.
Read 86 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
16 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

I believe @realDonaldTrump and @SidneyPowell1

It was a quiet weekend at the Scopelliti home. I was closeted away in my office here for many hours researching, composing my long threads. I did get some nice cooking done too, treasuring my family.
2) It was a moment I could not have imagined just a short while ago. Unlike so many of you in your wisdom, we never made a hard break with FOX before. We've flirted with it. But 15 years of friendship is not easy to break.
3) I can honestly tell you I didn't miss the sound of TV news, at all. Sure, I always appreciated the entertainment factor, especially in the long gone days of the O'Reilly Factor. What a show that man could head up. He was a force. I knew I'd never forgive FOX for that.
Read 31 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
1 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

There Is A Great America

Look at @RealJamesWoods tweet below. A Party certain of its polled lead, certain of victory, would never need such an extreme, illegal, and utterly unpatriotic plot. Maybe we should introduce the term "anti-patriotic."
2) Wherever you turn, you can see Great America Rising. It is this that has set fire to the Cabal's worst fears and greatest nightmares. We'll talk about that more, shortly, but first we turn to the greatest patriot I know, and her growing Twitter work: @KateScopelliti.
3) If you follow her, you'll see her banner image dates back to the early days of the #ClearFlynnNow movement. It was created by the ever-amazing @cancerousToejam. It is a perfect banner photo as ONLY he can create.
Read 41 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
This 70-tweet thread seemed to strike a strong chord, yesterday. I have polling data to discuss in today's thread, and will. But, I thought to add just a few more thoughts below for your further consideration. Thank you.
Further Thoughts = FT

FT2) If there's a single thing that the Q people all seem to accept is this thing they call The Plan. Such acceptance for me something of a border, a boundary. I've never disrespected The Plan, yet nor have I accepted it, and can't.
FT3) I believe in planning, and practice the art. I teach and serve the art. But please note the word "art" and note especially the word I'm not using, "science." But might as well cut to the chase. When they use this term, it is my understanding it goes along with "God wins."
Read 21 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
1 September 2020 #PardonFlynnNow Analysis

By my sight, we learned yesterday with, perhaps, a new finality, that justice in America is dead. In the court system, there will be no justice for @GenFlynn. There surely is none now. Why would we think this will change?
2) At this point, the details are almost unimportant. I'll only give them their gloss. Some court decreed that the most corrupt judge in America is to be granted his full pleasure over General Flynn's case, its disposition. Judge Sullivan is no mere judge, he is a LORD.
3) We now know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Lord Sullivan operates high above the bar of law. He faces no risk. He is held to no standard. There is no power higher than he. He cannot and will not be impeached. He rightly fears nothing. His will is his pleasure.
Read 40 tweets
Jul 31st 2020
31 July 2020 #PardonFlynnNow Analysis

It Is Time To Redirect

I was angry last night, yet, I stand behind what I posted, retweeted here below.

I am angry now.

To the degree I slept, it was an angry sleep.

We have failed our hero and we must redirect our efforts.
2) Those of you who know me well, know that I live by something I call The Law of Failure Analysis. The world is large. We are small. Failure Analysis is built on the silly proposition we may win anyway. We may face the great world, spit, and win. We may.
3) We often don't. We just don't face the large world in its power and its venom, its evil forces, its blind stupidity. We often surrender to the vast might of the world and believe in our small tininess, and protest our failures as successes that were not possible.
Read 66 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
6 June 2020 #PardonFlynnNow Analysis

General Flynn is Not Yet Free

Who in tarnation can keep up with the Deep State's evil machinations? I sure can't. The DOJ has dropped its case. Yet, General Flynn is still not free. Contemplate that.
2) We've discussed Judge Sullivan to the point of distraction. I'm distracted. I disgusted. That he wears black robes and enjoys the power of the gavel is a travesty, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that justice in America is no more. Justice is injustice.
3) Go listen. You can easily find it. @GenFlynn has the strongest voice for truth, justice, and the American way. The strongest voice. Contemplate that. Yet. Yet. Yet he is silent. He has been silenced. He remains silenced. Here today, he is still silenced.
Read 46 tweets
May 26th 2020
26 May 2020 #MAGAAnalaysis My New Friend's Questions

I'd like to introduce everyone to my new friend, @ASpotIntheCloud - but her handle is more intriguing - EyebrowsGluedRight. Her self-description follows...
2) "One man was assigned to destroy the DC Stasi, but they took him out ("first we fuck Flynn"), then silence and keep torturing him. ⭐️⭐️⭐️"Who is John Galt?"

One can see an Ayn Rand reference there, right? Who, after all, is John Galt?
3) I hate to do this, in case you've never read Ayn Rand, but I'm going to answer. John Galt is that one man who refuses to allow his contribution, his creation, the mark of his effort and endeavor as a man on earth, to be co-opted, to be stolen by the takers.
Read 51 tweets
May 15th 2020
15 May 2020 #ClearFlynnNow Analysis

Sidney Powell's Open Memorandum to Barack Obama

Re: Your Failure to Find Precedent for Flynn Dismissal

This is today's second analysis on @SidneyPowell1's wonderful memorandum.…
2) The first thing to do is encourage, as so many others have already, to read @SidneyPowell1 's memorandum for yourself, slowly, carefully, thoughtfully. Ponder the significance deeply. Follow the force and power of her arguments, so wonderfully expressed.
3) Also, either before or after reading @SidneyPowell1's memorandum, you'll want to follow my anonymous friends, incredible clarity of thinking in response to her work, here:

Read 233 tweets
May 8th 2020
8 May 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis

The DOJ has Dropped its Case Against @GenFlynn

Have I shared with you that at 2:30 AM, 9 November 2016, the moment the call was made, I was on the phone speaking with Gen Flynn? It's true.

In many ways, yesterday felt the same.
2) Victory can be a strange thing. Imagine a running race, you see the victory tape in front of you, lunging forward it breaks on your chest. You win. Now, imagine you're running, and running, and someone drops the tape in front of you with no warning. That was yesterday.
3) In each case, your body's momentum carries you forward after the race is over. You can't both win and stop running, instantly. In 2016, I don't think any of us had anything left to run on. More depleted than can be expressed, we were truly and completely spent.
Read 80 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
23 March 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis Focus on @TamaraLeigh_llc's extraordinary Twitter stylings.

Preparing for this thread, I attempted to take in Tamara's magnum opus below. Truth is, extracting all she has packed in would take many, many hours.
2) In the limited time I was able to invest, I did attempt to take careful notes, even while I suffered a rapid state of overwhelm. I have no idea how she does it, but Tamara crams in more information into less space than just about anyone, ever. Phenomenal.
3) Looking over my chaotic notes, I was able to pull out, count them, 12 interconnected stories. Amazingly, I was either directly or more often indirectly involved, myself, in each of those 12 tales. Being me, telling those stories would end up as a book. Maybe more than one.
Read 50 tweets
Nov 6th 2019
What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening.

Read 4 tweets
Oct 19th 2019
1) Good Morning, Mr. @POTUS, Sir,

I'm the leader of a small movement, here at Twitter, that employs the hashtag #PardonFlynnNow. I don't know if you've heard of us or not, but it is our mission to speak to you. Allow me to qualify the term "small," please.
@POTUS 2) Previously, I led what became a very large movement under the hashtag #ClearFlynnNow. In fact, at the beginning of that movement we tested #PardonFlynnNow and found it to be a very difficult hashtag to push forward. We learned the reason why.
@POTUS 3) It is one of the greatest achievements of the Left, Sir, that we in America do NOT know how to claim our rights at law. You do. You always have. Those of us who follow your story know that your teacher was the great Roy Cohn. We know that you and he together lived by law.
Read 45 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
1) What a difficult thing I am asking of you. Not only to wrap your mind around the idea of petitioning the President of the United States to #PardonFlynnNow, but also to do it specifically by a #PardonOfInnocence. Before 2016, I'd have blown off such a request off myself.
2) It was @GenFlynn who showed me, taught me really, that even I could have an impact. It was in August, 3 years ago, that he first called and introduced himself to me, as a result of receiving one of my analyses. I never dreamed I might speak to someone of his stature.
@GenFlynn 3) In my youth, I once had reason to reach out to a person of vast wealth and power - for business reasons, not political - and I choked completely. He was very kind and supportive, but I never managed to say a word when his secretary put me through to him. I wasn't ready.
Read 25 tweets
Sep 5th 2019
1) There's so much to learn about making a tweet that rocks. I have so many wonderful teachers and role models. Consider these two memes by my friend @KellsBellsSC. I absolutely CANNOT decide which is more powerful to me. Let's talk about that today.
@KellsBellsSC 2) For instance, until I just posted the tweet above, with both memes in it, I didn't know that Twitter would crop them. I see plenty of other tweets where the tweet creator know how to control the crop. Alas. Did I mention so much to learn?
@KellsBellsSC 3) So here's what I want to do. I want to do a little test. Which of these two memes hits you the hardest? Or, do you like them both equally? And here's how you'll vote if you decide to help me out. Either a like or a retweet will express your vote. There's just a bit more math.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 4th 2019
1) My friend @realTT2020 provides this image. He is SO good with technology, a brilliant meme artist, as well as an extraordinary video artist. Besides that, he's a great guy and super, super smart. If he has time, maybe he'll chime in with some comments and guidance...please?
@realTT2020 2) Although @realTT2020 is a huge @GenFlynn supporter, in his case, he's so successful with his Twitter analysis and so LOUD - note his Twitter handle - that I suspect it really is more his success, and his support for all things MAGA that brings Twitter's censorship eyes on him.
@realTT2020 @GenFlynn 3) If you don't follow @realTT2020 yet, I cannot too strongly recommend you do. Which brings me to another point. I would never have met or encountered him, if it weren't for our shared volunteering efforts, our shared support of the #PardonFlynnNow movement.
Read 30 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
1) This meme by @TamaraLeigh_llc captures the heart and soul of our situation in America. A hero, falsely accused, and illegally prosecuted, is gagged, and is in fact a political prisoner. He must request permission to travel. He cannot speak. He is 100% innocent of any crime.
@TamaraLeigh_llc 2) Part of the infrastructure of the Swamp is incredulity, naivete. We're America! Injustice doesn't occur here, it occurs elsewhere. Our courts are just. If a court ordered it, then that order is a just order. Prosecutors bear the burden of justice over conviction.
@TamaraLeigh_llc 3) Alas, so it should be, but so it is not. Here is the failure of our founding fathers. They trusted us too much. They trusted us to live by the genius of their wisdom. Alas. Love of nation is a poor competitor for joy of power. The use of power has overwhelmed our justice.
Read 21 tweets
Aug 8th 2019
1 0f 2) Those who remember the #ClearFlynnNow movement, remember our meme challenge. We called it meme testing. We may do that again. But, for the moment, may I ask do we have meme artists who can offer challenge to the #PardonFlynnNow meme below by @DEANZNOTES?
@DEANZNOTES 2 of 2) Who knew there was such a thing as neon break dancing? Check it out! These artists are amazing. We're in a new world and I say embrace it. For my part, I'm inspired by competition, and for memes, I hope you will be too.


@DEANZNOTES P.S. I have to add this one by @KellsBellsSC as another inspiring example to challenge!

Read 3 tweets
Jul 31st 2019
1) This is the 7th formal analysis within the #PardonFlynnNow movement. It might better be termed the 1st Team Formation analysis. At any rate, our small, young movement requires some team building and this is that moment.
2) Before I dive in, a small progress report is due. We have commenced the creation of two support teams, one for memes and one for website development. I truly am super excited about that, and thanks to all our amazing volunteer team members, more than I can say.
3) By the way, if you're reading this, and interested in volunteering to join us - we're all 100% unpaid volunteers - please reach out to me, or to @TamaraLeigh_llc, and we'll put you to more work than you can handle, immediately.
Read 40 tweets

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