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Jan 6th 2023
At 30 mins in, you’ll hear testimony about something called an “immediate suspension order”. This is the admin tool that DEA used to take away Dr Bockoff’s DEA license & take his assets, w/o having to file charges. #DEACenteredCare #Suicide
And this is the same hearing that billionaire law-firm attorneys used as part of their cases. THIS shows how the #LitigationNarrative has had and is still having a direct, deadly effect on patients’ ability to access and maintain medical care related to rx opioids.
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Aug 15th 2022
“I’d be dead without opioids,” Garland says. Doctors aren’t just being more cautious now. They’re being irresponsible. We’ve reached a sad point in America when our animals are treated better than people.” @LelenaPeacock @JSG_54 @process_x @NitaGhei 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼…
Dez: “The disruption in my pain tx resulted in a severe flareup of my illnesses which ended with organ failure, emergency surgery, & sepsis. By the time I was out of the hospital, I was being given my final taper & quickly developed infections within 12 hours of my final dose”.
Nita G: “this practice is driven by a false narrative that the recent epidemic of opioid-related deaths is caused by overprescription of opioids & that tapering will improve patient safety and quality of life. However, more and more, the practice is having the opposite effect.”
Read 14 tweets
May 7th 2022
“Daniel Kessler and Mark McClellan (1996) found that these incentives translated into “defensive medicine”—use of precautionary treatments with minimal expected medical benefit out of fear of legal liability”
🧵#DoNoHarm #DEACenteredCare #TortReform #CAM…
“The 1990s brought a new phenomenon: the use of litigation to impose regulation. In this scenario, exec-branch agencies or even private parties sue alleged wrongdoers and obtain settlements that govern the defendant’s future behavior through a system of highly specific rules.”
“However, the use of litigation as a means to force companies to accept regulation outside of the normal political process raised several new questions about litigation’s dynamic costs and benefits”. (Viscusi 2002; Moriss, Yandle, and Dorchak 2009) -cont. ⬇️
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Apr 7th 2022
A 5 yr old was tortured because no one wanted to treat his pain from a compound fracture and repair. I just spoke with the dad and he’s willing to to testify. How many more will be forced to suffer?


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Jul 16th 2021
It’s public comment time. #cdcowgChat
@Amy_L_Partridge just killed it! Go Amy go Amy Gooooo!
Now up #GaryFranklin. Hater of pain patients. Feeling’s mutual. #cdcowgChat
Read 29 tweets
Oct 22nd 2020
Is there any other class of medications that are routinely reduced by a #pharmacy/ #pbm? It just baffles me how discriminatory policies that put barriers in place are allowed to continue. How do Mds feel about being second-guessed constantly by these companies? #DEACenteredCare
It makes sense for a #PharmD to call an MD for a script that THEY (using the years of schooling and clinical judgment that results) deem questionable. What doesn’t make sense is mandating this and using it as an excuse to deny patients their RXs. It’s cruel.
Also, what you don’t see here is once the PA is sent in, it will automatically be rejected. And when the second one is sent, that one will also be rejected. They will give different reasons each time. The process starts all over again when the appeal to the actual ins. co begins.
Read 8 tweets

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