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Oct 18th 2021

🔴 Selon Pfizer, des études observationnelles sont des preuves pour recommander #Dose3
➡️ Elles montrent un rapide déclin de l’efficacité contre l’infection, après 4 mois: ~50% voir -⚡
➡️ D’autres études confirment cette baisse
➡️ Vax tous les 4 mois?

🔴 Thread

🔴 Le RCT Pfizer laissait croire que l’efficacité contre l’infection était forte jusq 6 mois
➡️ Après 4 mois: 84% d’efficacité contre les Covid sympto
➡️ Mais c’est le risq/infection++ qui compte (non évalué/RCT)⚡
➡️ Et les variants ont une influence…

🔴 Sur le site de la FDA, un document de Pfizer du 17/09/21 est accessible. Il s’agit de la demande la #Dose3.

Nous allons voir quelques études décrites.…
Read 17 tweets
Jul 13th 2021
1/#pregnancy and #covidvaccine: SRO Bolton view-thread. I gave the very first #Bolton #covidvaccine in Dec 2020. I was nervous. It felt like a monumental moment for us all. We were telling people then that over 40,000 people had had the #vaccine at this point.
2/ we were also telling people they couldn’t have it if they were pregnant or planning a pregnancy. We had no reason to think it was unsafe but we had no evidence that it wasn’t. Thousands of women heard the ‘don’t have if planning pregnancy’ and believed it caused infertility.
3/ we spent weeks/ months trying to bust the infertility myth as young carers and health carers declined in the hope of a pregnancy. Pretty soon suspicion became reality that 1. Pregnant women could get really sick with Covid 2. Vaccinated pregnant women were doing just fine
Read 13 tweets
May 5th 2021
My experience getting vaccinated and what you can do:


1. Arrived at the PPV and was given two copies of the consent form. It’s double sided with one side English and the other in Malay.

(a #CucukMYAZ thread)
2. Double checking on my timing (9am) they moved me to a seating area to fill the form.
Note: The form has a portion below for the signature. You can put your name, IC, and date. But leave the signature bit for later, as it needs to be signed in the presence of a witness (a doctor).
Read 15 tweets

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