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Sep 26th 2018
Dimms and their PR arm, the media, are handing Trump an unlimited amount of time to talk about #ConfirmKavanaugh and all the associated political issues, going back decades.

That's why I call them the Dimms.

#TrumpPressConference. Democrat #ConJob #ConArtists
Jim Acosta LOL
IMO the main reason Trump scheduled this press conference was to use it as his opportunity to speak about Kavanaugh and the whole situation. He is so smart. They are so dumb.

Watching this, I could cry tears of joy. What a blessing this President is to America. #MAGA
Read 28 tweets
May 13th 2018
(1) THREAD: Terrorist attack on 3 churches in Surabaya, Indonesia.

(2) IDK yet what churches were targeted in this attack. Catholicism is smaller than Protestantism in Indonesia but May 13th is the feast day of Our Lady Of Fatima, an event that occurred in Portugal in 1917. ISIS-inspired terrorists are known for targeting Catholic feast days.
(3) One of the targets was Santa Maria Catholic Church.…
Read 25 tweets
Jan 12th 2018
(1) What a great January 2018 we are having! Team Trump #PhotoThread below, please read & retweet.

Last week's 60-tweet thread:

Page of links to all 19 photo threads:…

#MAGA #Vote2018 #GOPunity #TaxCuts #BuildTheWall👷‍♂️🇺🇸
(2) The above photo is from the joint press conference with the PM of Norway. We'll get to that a bit later. First, let's look in on the Very Stable Genius' winning move of keeping the live TV cameras rolling while he demonstrated the #ArtOfTheDeal on immigration reform.
(3) The usual WH routine is to have the media record a few remarks at the start of the meeting, then they leave so the participants can conduct the meeting in relative privacy. But this President doesn't always do things the routine way. Esp. when it's to his & our advantage.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 26th 2017
Trump meets w Abbott hours before a massive storm hits a huge population of poor working people of color. #HurricaneHarvery #thread
But there is no plan for organizing the moving of hundreds of thousands of people to safety, and providing food, shelter, and care for them.
These fascists are planning to protect refineries and not people! This is NOT the way society should be run. #HurricaneHarvey #Nov4ItBegins
Read 7 tweets

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