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Dec 13th 2022
Why 'nature-based solutions' are so controversial at #cop15.

Congolese farmers barred from own land for tree planting project by French oil giant Total Energies…
A project of Total's Nature-based Solutions Unit...…
#naturebasedsolutions is becoming a big end-game fight at #cop15. This is why #ecologicaljustice groups coming out so strongly about #nbs.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
1/5 #Greencrime2021 @CEDATURV

Do you want to know why #Spain is threatening the environment🌍?

Here my ongoing research exploring the #RevolvingDoors as a form of #StateCorporateCrime.

#QualitativeResearch media coverage, gray/academic lit. & secondary data.

A thread⬇️ List of expoliticians working for fossil fuel and electric c
2/5 #Greencrime2021

The ‘revolving doors’ phenomenon is widespread across #Europe (and political parties), even though, this research is framed within a Spanish context.

A little background of the #revolvingdoors phenomenon in Spain. Greens/EFA (2018) Revolving doors and the fossil fuel indust
3/5 #Greencrime2021

State-corporate crime (Lynch et al. 2010):

Unethical actions/agreements between the #State and the #CorporateSector against the law or at the edge of crime.

Actions against the spirit of governance.

🇪🇸 politicians impacted climate&energy policies (e.g.) **He did not end up working for Endesa, but he did get a tur
Read 5 tweets

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